Renko ran to the workroom. She slammed open the sliding door.
"Quickly," she cried. "Change into birds and come with me. Shota-san's in trouble!"
Immediately, Azuki rose and changed. As she'd recovered her health she'd recovered her plumage. She was nearly back to normal.
"Please, Tsuruko-san. Please do as I ask. Shota-san's in trouble."
Tsuruko had been taking what were for her huge risks. This unlikely pair had become her friends. She trusted them more every day. She gulped, deciding she would trust them now. The air shimmered around her and she changed.
The fair-haired girl and the two big birds rushed outside, the birds half-flying and half leaping. Renko turned to Tsuruko.
"You haven't seen me as a dragon up close, but please don't be frightened. It's just me. I can make a bubble of air and transport us all to where Shota-san is in an instant. We will see the problem and help him. Quickly, we must rush. I will change, then both of you come into the circle of my arms."