Captain Minoru whittled in the cockpit, next to the tied rudder. Shota tweaked at the sails. The wind was fair, the seas rolled under their stern and it was a beautiful day. They were very close to finishing this leg of their voyage. When they next stopped, they would deliver their current cargo to the Hiratas Shota thought they would be more than a little impressed and take on their cargo for Pusan. It was so exciting! Shota wriggled just a little at the thought of it.
They would be in port for several days. While Shota was expected to follow his captain around to watch what he did and learn how he did it, Shota figured that would take him interesting places, and he would have free time to explore, too. He could do it on the wing instead of on foot, so he'd see everything there was to see. He knew he wanted a good flyover of the castle and the port.
The waves marched on behind them, rolling under them and by them, white spume blowing off the tops.