Chapter 141

"Shhh," Renko whispered. "We don't want her to hear us!"

"She won't hear us," Shota said. "She sleeps like the dead."

"Your uncle doesn't," Renko countered. "Come on, let's get it in here."

They pushed, pulled and shoved and slowly the ungainly machine slid through the garden-side door to the workroom.

"I don't know why you couldn't have just materialized it in here," Shota complained.

"You think I can do anything!" Renko started detaching the pedal mechanism from the mechanical loom.

"Can't you?" Shota grinned. "Let me do that!" He used a wrench, another of Renko's products, to detach the bolts from the geared connections that would hook the engine to the mechanical loom.

"It's too dark in here," he muttered. "I'll lose something."