Chapter 150


Azuki, the girl who became a toki, landed flat on her back on the practice mats of her Aunt Noriko's dojo. What had she done wrong? She looked up at her aunt by marriage, gasping for breath, the wind completely knocked out of her.

Noriko shook her head, then turned sharply to fix her nephew, the Sparrow-boy Shota, who snickered under his breath, with a gimlet gaze.

"Your turn next," she said, "And I won't pull my throw. Don't think you'll do better, because you won't." She turned back to Azuki.

"Do you know where you went wrong?" she asked, extending a hand to pull the girl to her feet. She didn't expect an answer Azuki was still getting her breath back.

"Here." Noriko explained. "When I did this," she said, twisting her body and placing her left foot forward at an angle, "you should have extended your left foot."

Azuki gave her a quizzical gaze. Speaking was still a little too difficult.