Chapter 47: Facing Facts

DAY 10

Foot. A couple of scratches around the ankles. Twigs. Floodlights. More rumble. More floodlights. Police cars. Figments of a fragmented reality. A mosaic of pictures, smells and colors - some of which have no basis in this reality; hadn't smelled them before. Hadn't experienced before. In truth all of them are a mystery. Chemistry is just the law of particle physics, not Newtonian physics. Nobody can explain aromaticity and odor. Nobody can explain what's happened the past seven days. They are unprecedented. They could be a "slight disorder of the stomach that makes thing cheats. A crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato" but more likely none of these things. Why wouldn't I trust my senses? They account for what is real most of the time, anyway. In our bodies, the double-ringed bases in our DNA are also aromatic strings.