Chapter 66: Who Is Those Two Guys?, Part 66


November, 2009


The streets of the beachside village are packed with vehicles bearing kayaks, sailboards and surfboards. A one-story, brick-and-wood frame pub teems with activity. Its core could have been an old fishing shack, but it is flanked with additions and open decks and porches.

There is not an open seat at bar or table. An energetic waitress with an empty tray dodges the gesticulations of a sunburned young man with blond dreadlocks who stands by a full booth. Another carries plates of high-end bar food past a red-brick fireplace bearing the smoky portrait of an unusually chipper-looking Edgar Allan Poe. Every available bit of wall space here seems to be adorned with either stylized portraits of the American master himself or lurid old movie posters and illustrations depicting themes from his tales and verses: ravens, gold-bugs, sad-eyed jesters, and razor-bearing Rue Morgue primates.