I have not yet dared to venture into the deeper waters with the expeditions led by Chailes and Pir, so I am unsure what potential danger we shall find there, but meantime I continue to find Chir's wildlife to be, on the whole, quite charming.
In fact, I have the delight of being visited by a Chirran toad as I pen this; he is nearing me by step after tentative step, and he bares his throat to me as if he wishes me to rub it. And so I shall! He reminds me of my loyal dog Harry back home.
~ final journal entry of galactic explorer Jorsen Moller, before he infamously initiated the defensive poison response of the Chirran Death Toad (then-unnamed)
As soon as he stepped outside, Chir swarmed Pit's head and filled it with frivolity again. Gone was the newfound empathy and sense of connectedness and camaraderie he'd shared with Ravenna in Gremma's shop, replaced instead with lewd thoughts and the urge to speak them aloud.