Now that Pit had slid out of his idle thoughts and into analysis mode, he realized he hadn't seen any daugments. Maybe they were rarer here, or they preferred to stay indoors for some reason. It had been a hot day, yes, but it seemed like the usual sort of oppressive wet heat that one becomes accustomed to in an oceanside city.
He shook his head. It didn't matter if there weren't any daugments. Fewer canines, fewer conversations he'd have to have at eye level.
Fewer conversations period, for that matter.
A more pressing need arose than futile speculation: he was starving. And thirsty.
He peeled himself away from the window and dropped off the window ledge. At the sound of his weight hitting the floor, Ravenna said quietly from the little bathroom, "Pit?"
Pit sighed. He wasn't sure exactly where they stood, after his nasty comment, though he couldn't recall what that comment had been. "Yeah?"