Certainty twitched and Fionn slammed his hand on the controls, reclaiming the display. More red lights than Pit could easily count flashed on the radar. "Damn! Still on us, those bastards. Rave, I need you on guns. Pit, you too, if you can manage it. Minna, can you man the ancillaries?"
The woman nodded assent amid Ravenna's huff of breath and scrabbling of claws as she spun around and left the bridge without another word.
"I know where it is," Pit said, answering a question Fionn hadn't asked yet. "I'll find it, anyway." There were only so many places it could be on Pit's HUD map of the ship.
Neither of the humans spoke to him as he left; they were too busy talking to each other in an easy, bantering way.