It is my professional belief that solitude is dangerous. It is the ultimate failure of the human condition. We, who clustered around the same tiny fires for survival, cannot live alone. Nature has decreed we must die alone-and so when we are alone, we die. That is what I believe. Dear reader, turn back from this path, lest the emptiness consume you.
But should you be compelled to seek your own lonely way, the book open before you is the only guide I can, in good conscience, recommend.
~ Introduction to The Ichor of Solitude, by Lili Ma, renowned intimacy scholar
Pit stared at the spine of The Ichor of Solitude for a long while after he was awake. Morning had brought with it a fresh twist of the unfamiliar knife of guilt, and a heavy sense of his inhumanity. He hadn't slept well, his stomach churning and his head spinning all night.