"Sic 'em, boy."
~ a master to their dog
Pit froze at the threshold of the second dining hall. It was a drastic change from the warm, companionable meal. There were no tables, just a fire in the center of a ring of seated people. No one was eating. No one was speaking louder than a whisper. Everyone turned as Fionn and his company entered, and eyes narrowed at the daugments, but no one said a word. The world seemed to freeze.
Pit couldn't help imagining what he must look like, padding along at Fionn's heels like a housepet. Now, Sassy the setter, she knew her place among the Canuum. She ran at someone's side and they wanted her there, and she wanted to be there. Her life had value and purpose.
Pit knew he stank of purposelessness. The Canuum didn't want him here. He didn't want to be here. He wasn't a dog, and he wasn't a man, and he wasn't even really a daugment. He was a stranger caught up in someone else's plot. He was a stranger living in someone else's skin. He was-