"No one should tell us how to cry for the people we love!" Reesha called.
A soft hush fell over the room. Canuum's empathy was tangible, a blanket draped by their collective hands around little Reesha's bowed shoulders.
Pit recalled Fionn's words: Isaias's wife, Reesha's mother, lost in a tragic experiment with black holes. No wonder the crowd mourned with the girl-yet their concern seemed just for her, not Isaias.
Isaias was like the lowest strains of a symphony, echoes of something epic from another aeon. His people had eyes and ears only for his grand ideas. His personal pain was unseen, unacknowledged. It slipped below their inadequate senses. They could not smell it, sense it the way Pit did.
Isaias recovered himself, raising his head and tightening his jaw. He gently heaved Reesha to the ground and released her hand, waving at her to take a seat.