
"Thank you," Lacey said, taking the hand of the driver, letting him help her in. Then he closed the door behind her.

Julien was waiting for her inside. "Are you ready?" He gave a nod to the driver and he pulled away from the mansion.

She nodded. "I’m sorry. I was just saying goodbye to my mother," Lacey replied, folding her hands on her lap. "I didn't realize you were waiting."

Julien's head snapped up. "Not to worry.” He looked out the window. “You needed to say goodbye to your family and your pack.”

Lacey looked out the window, too. “May I ask you a question?”

He nodded, the tenderness from the night before back in his eyes.

“Why did you lock me up from my own pledge party last night?”

He sighed. “I needed to figure some things out.”

“What things?” she asked, truly curious.

“Figuring out a way to teach you obedience, for one.” He looked back out the window.

“Well, if you wanted a lap dog, you should have bought one.” She lifted her chin. “I am a proud warrior.”

He looked at her for a moment and then burst out laughing.

It was too early for a confrontation, so Lacey folded her hands on her lap and turned her attention out the window again. Besides, she thought that she would pick and choose her arguments with him... especially since this was their first day together as pledged mates.

"Now that have your undivided attention...." he began, turning back to face her, smirking.

Lacey closed her eyes and opened them again, smiling sweetly. "What is it, my dear?”

A low growl erupted from within his chest and Lacey's wolf responded, wanting him beyond all reason. For some reason, Lacey still found him sexy, as well as her wolf.

"Fine!" Lacey let out a deep breath. "What is it?"

Julien shook his head. "You, woman, are going to be the death of me." She gave him a moment to calm down. "Princess—"

"Lacey—" she corrected, cutting him off.

"Princess...." he said through gritted teeth. "I have some rules that I'd like to go over with you before we arrive at my mansion."

Lacey's head snapped up. "Rules?"

Julien smirked, clearly enjoying her reaction. "Yes, as a matter of fact."

"Pack rules?"

"Eh...." Julien swayed his head back and forth. "More like... Mate Rules."

Lacey huffed, folding her arms across her chest, waiting for him to go on. Surely it won't be as bad as it sounded.

"Well, for one, you will not raise your voice to me... ever… and I’ll try to do the same." Julien began.


He held up his hand, stopping her. "I'd appreciate it if you would let me finish."

"Fine." Lacey stared out the window.

"Another thing. You will not see other men, and that includes being alone with or speaking to them."

Lacey sighed. "That is incredibly unreasonable, considering that fifty percent of the population of the world are men."

"Are you—"

Lacey held up her hand, cutting him off. "I'm not finished. Also, if I am to train the warriors in our pack, not talking to the men would be...." She swayed her head back and forth like he had. Then she stopped and stared in his eyes. "Ridiculous."

"Ridiculous or not," Julien replied, "These are the rules. If you're quite finished, I'll tell you the rest."

"Oh, joy!" She clapped her hands like a schoolgirl, feigning excitement. "Ooo!!! Do tell!"

A low growl erupted from his chest again. "You will not use sarcasm with me."

"Wow! Rule number 3!"

He smiled sweetly. “And here is rule number 4. Don’t be a pain in the a**.”

“That may be difficult.”

Julien chuckled. “Well, at least you admit it.”

Lacey shrugged. “And you’re not a pain in the a**?”

He shrugged, one corner of his lips curling into a smile. “Well, sometimes I guess I am.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Sometimes?”

Julien sighed. “Jackson, please stop the car. I need some air.”

"Yes, sir!" Jackson quickly pulled over, as well as the other limos.

When the car came to a complete stop, Julien opened the door and got out. He walked under the trees, taking in the view. A majestic mountain range was in the distance with a beautiful river below. Julien stood, looking over the beautiful scene. Suddenly, the red-headed woman from his pack jumped from her car and ran to his side. She said something to him, upsetting Lacey's wolf.

Lacey got out, slammed the door closed, and marched toward her mate, her wolf seething to bite the redhead. "Leave us," she said to the woman, looking only at Julien.

A low growl erupted from deep within the woman’s chest, but she walked back to her limo and slammed the door.

Julien faced away, saying nothing.

Lacey sighed. "What is it that you want from me? Why did you pledge to me? Clearly, you’re not in love with me."

His turned around casually. “At first, I agreed to this as an arrangement, but now….” He turned array, not finishing his thought.

She said and said in a low voice. "Julien, just let me go."

"Never." Then he whipped around to face her, his eyes filled with lust.

"Then what are you going to do to me if I don’t follow the rules? Beat me?" Lacey asked, extending her arms. "Believe me, you can't treat me any worse than my own family has treated me for years." She bit her lower lip and turned away, tears filling her eyes. Traitor tears streamed down her cheeks as all the years at the mercy of her crazy family, the years of feeling shame for something that wasn't her fault, came rushing to her.

To her surprise, Julien wrapped his arms around her from behind, letting her cry. "Ssshhh...." he cooed, pushing her hair away from her neck. "All that is behind you now." Then he kissed her neck, once then again, arousing her wolf. "You're with me now. Nothing will happen to you. I promise. I will protect you."

Julien turned her around and wiped the tears away from her cheeks with his thumb. Then his lips descended upon hers as he pulled her close. And this time, she didn't fight him. He pulled back a moment later, breathless. "Come on," he said, his voice low, motioning with his head toward the car. "We can discuss the rest of the rules later."

"Why does there have to be rules?" Lacey asked as fresh tears coursed down her cheeks. "I just left my father's house where there were rules, only to go to your house with more.”

"The rules are to keep you safe… and to keep me from killing you."

Lacey gasped, knowing he was completely serious.

"The most important rule is don't ever cheat on me." He dropped her hands. "If you do, I will kill you without a second thought... along with whoever you cheated with."

The look of pain was so prominent in his eyes that she couldn’t even be angry. Even though every fiber of her being was telling her to run, she had to know. She placed her hand on his cheek, forcing him to look into her eyes. "What happened to you, Julien? Who broke your heart?"

His eyes suddenly turned to ice. "Just remember what I said. You are mine now. And I am selfish with my property."

"Property.” She scoffed. “Good to know." Without another word, she headed back to the limo, wondering if he would ever open his heart.