
As the night wore on, Lacey tried to sleep, but her wolf was too restless. Unable to take any more, she rose from the bed, dressed in her silk nightgown with spaghetti straps, and walked to the window. The sounds of merriment had faded and the moonlight shone brightly overhead, casting a blue hue over the earth.

Suddenly, there was a slight knock on the door.

“Come in,” she croaked, her voice raspy from lack of use.

When the door opened, she was surprised to see Julien standing in the doorway, shirtless, but a troubled look colored his eyes. “How are you?”

She shrugged, turning toward the window. “Not well, since I missed my own party.”

He sighed, crossing the room to her. Then he placed his hands on her shoulders. “I’m sorry about that.” Then he slid his arms around her and leaned his head on her shoulder, saying nothing as he held her.

Lacey’s wolf nearly purred with pleasure at being so close to the man and she had chosen as her mate. Now that she had met Julien, she understood why Wyatt had chosen Calla instead of her. Never before had Lacey felt such a connection with another man.

Without saying anything, he kissed her neck down to her shoulder, moving the thin strap away. He turned her around, but pain was prominent in his eyes.

At that moment, she just wanted to comfort him, to take his pain away. He looked deeply in her eyes, as if wanting to tell her something, but couldn’t bring himself to.

“What is it?” she whispered. “You can tell me.”

Julien placed his hand on her cheek, a vulnerable look in his eyes. In the moonlight, a tear glistened on his cheek. She reached up to wipe it away, but he caught her hand. Then he dropped it and hurried from the room, leaving her to wonder what was going on with him.

Unable to sleep, Lacey looked out the window until the first rays of morning sunlight pierced the darkness. Lacey dressed and started packing her things, but the image of Julien in the moonlight haunted her.

As she packed, she wondered if she could hear the Harvest Moon Pack in her Pack Mind yet, or if she was still in the Pack Mind of the Silver Pack. But she quickly pushed the thought aside, knowing that Julien was quite possessive with his property. And since he obviously considered her to be his property, she would be in his pack. And when a wolf leaves one pack to join another, they can no longer hear the pack they left.

The only clothes she had to pack were hand-me-downs. Occasionally, her mother would bring her a nice dress, but then one of her sisters would notice it and claim it as theirs. Lacey would have fought for the clothes, but she had no desire to fight over material things. No, there were more important things to fight for. She chose her battles wisely. And remembering Julien when he came to her, how vulnerable he looked despite his strength and power, she decided that she would have to do the same with him.

When Lacey was finished, all her possessions fit into one suitcase and a box, containing a music box that her mother had given her as a child. It was her most prized possession and there was no way that she was going to leave it behind.

Suddenly, the door opened slightly. When she looked up, Julien stood in the doorway, looking sexy with his long, black hair pulled back into a low ponytail, snug-fitting black pants and boots, and a silk shirt. He smirked, folding his arms across his chest, with a cocky look on his face, the vulnerable look gone.

Her wolf practically leapt from her chest, claiming Julien's wolf as her mate, sensing the connection. Never had Lacey's wolf ever had this reaction to anyone before.

“Morning,” he said, raising an eyebrow.

"Morning." Lacey zipped up her suitcase. “It’s about time you came for me.”

Julien looked down at the ragged suitcase, curling his lip in disgust, and then he looked around the room. "Where is your luggage?" Julien rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "You should have been ready for me."

She folded her arms across her chest. “I just have this suitcase and a box."

"You have got to be kidding me." Julien smirked, shaking his head. "You're the daughter of an Alpha and these are all your only belongings?"

She nodded. "Pretty much."

Julien folded his arms over his chest. "As soon as we get to my mansion, I'll have your maid take your measurements and I'll have my designer make some clothes for you."

Or I could always go shopping, Lacey thought to herself, but said aloud, "That won't be necessary."

"As my mate and future Alpha Queen, you will dress appropriately and will not embarrass me."

Her eyes flared. "I'll do my best not to be an embarrassment," she said, her voice filled with sarcasm.

Julien shook his head as he rolled his eyes. "Guard!" he bellowed down the hallway.

"Yes, Alpha Grey." A man Lacey didn't recognize—obviously from his pack—appeared in the doorway.

"Take the Princess'... luggage... out to the car. We'll be along in just a moment." He sighed. "And close the door on the way out."

"Yes, Alpha Grey." The young shifter did as he was told without question. Lacey suspected that everyone in his pack obeyed him. But if he expected her to submit, he had another thing coming.

"You will be on your best behavior on the way to my mansion. Do you understand?" Julien instructed.

"I'm not a child." Lacey glared at him, contemplating phasing in the mansion and accepting the consequences.

"Say goodbye to your family, and I'll meet you at the car," he ordered. "And don't be long."

Lacey smirked. "Are you sure you trust me to get to the car by myself?"

"I'm debating." Then he turned and walked out.

Lacey looked over her room one last time, committing it to memory, and then headed out. The only one waiting in the hallway to say goodbye was her mother. In Lacey's opinion, Camari had been too passive toward Thorn and now she had to pay the price. Her own children saw that the Alpha had no respect for her, so why should they? Lacey had been the only one of her siblings to love her mother unconditionally. The others were selfish and demanding, only being nice to their mother when they needed something.

"Lacey dear...." With tears in her eyes, her mother took both of her hands and pulled her to the side, out of earshot, and lowered her voice. "I'm so sorry that Julien locked you up last night. There was nothing any of us could do. I went to Thorn, but he just laughed. Please, forgive me."

"Mom, it's not your fault." Lacey shrugged, giving her a weak smile. "It wasn't that bad."

Camari's eyebrows pinched together in concern. "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

Lacey shook her head, putting on a brave face. "No, Mom."

"Good," her mother said, giving a sigh of relief. "Well... you don't want to keep the Alpha waiting."

A crease formed between Lacey's eyes. "Isn't Father the Alpha of this pack?"

Her mother took a step closer, lowering her voice. "Julien is the Alpha of all the Alphas, the most powerful in the world." Then she kissed both of Lacey's cheeks. "Promise me that you'll be careful."

Lacey nodded. "I will." After giving her mother one last hug, she headed down the stairs and everyone watched. Some smirked, and some turned away or whispered. As she walked past Wyatt, Calla lowered her eyes and Wyatt just stared with his hands on his hips. Without another word to anyone, Lacey walked out of her stepfather's mansion and away from her pack for the last time.

Outside, she was surprised to see that several limousines were lined up, waiting for her. The lead car was a white stretch limo and the door was open with the driver holding the door open. The rest of the pack were in the other limos parked behind, waiting.

"Madame." The driver bowed and then took her hand to help her into the car. "Welcome to the Harvest Moon Pack."