A New Friend

The next day, Lacey hurried down to breakfast. Although she wasn’t usually hungry in the morning, she was starving this morning. In the grand dining room, a breakfast buffet was all set up, which included bacon and eggs, Danish, sausage, biscuits, and everything else under the sun. Lacey grabbed a plate and a cheese Danish, along with a cup of coffee, and sat at the nearest table. It was small and decorated with a fall centerpiece. Lacey took a sip of her coffee and sighed, loving the fresh, rich taste…. As well as a moment alone.

"Well, hello!"

Lacey's head snapped up and a guy with long, dark hair pulled back into a ponytail was standing next to the chair across from her. "Hello,” she said, turning her attention back to her Danish.

A wholesome smile spread across his face. "Mind if I sit down?" He shrugged, holding a plate filled with meat and then swayed his head from side to side, waiting.