Wedding Planning

Lacey started toward the stairs, but Julien met her there, frowning.

"Did you hear?" Lacey asked, wishing that he hadn't.

Julien nodded. "Yes, I’m afraid so. But thank you for making the effort."

Lacey nodded.

Then one corner of Julien's lips curled into a smile. "What do you have planned for today?"

"Well, I was going to work with the warriors—"

"I asked Brock to lead the practice today," Julien cut her off. "The only thing I want you to do today is to plan our wedding."

Lacey's eyebrows rose nearly into her hairline. "Seriously? Today?"

Julien looked at her seductively, biting his lower lip, reminding her of the first time she saw him in the woods. "Yes. I can't wait another day to have you all to myself."

Lacey laughed, smacking him playfully on his chest, laughing. "So, I suppose you have wedding planners ready and waiting?"