Waking up

Anna popped one blue eye open as she tried to see straight. Her head throbbed and she wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep.

“What’s going on? She muttered to herself as she rubbed her head and gasped at the huge bump just above her left eyebrow. She gently ran her fingers over it and winced at the pain as memories rushed back, her dingy apartment, the intruder. She shook her head to clear it as she rubbed her head where the bag had hit her.

“What the actual hell.” She said loudly as the room came into focus. The dim light from the bathroom showed walls painted a light golden yellow. The platform bed was covered in a dove grey comforter. Walk in closets came into view and a shiver of recognition pulled at her conscious but confusion swirled inside her brain her head really hurt. Most concerning though was the man lying beside her holding her hand, Her Ex-husband John.

“Oh No, Please no.” she said softly as she tried to convince herself that this was a hallucination. “This cannot be happening.” The bed beside her shifted and Anna’s eyes shot to John’s sleeping form, his big warm had holding one of hers.

“This can’t be!” Anna wheezed as pulled her hand free immediately missing the warmth. She walked shakily toward the door containing the tub. Needing to get away, to be anywhere else. She gasped as her eyes adjusted to the dim light momentarily blinding her. Lightning rumbled outside and Anna jumped as the crack of thunder startled her. “Great, she thought on the edge of hysteria, I’m going crazy and there’s a storm, what else is new.”

“What the hell is going on?” “Where am I?” She chocked out loud as her reflection came into view. She made her way to the mirror and touched it for confirmation. Her hair, which she always kept chin length and straight was now curled softly past her shoulders and her eyes held none of the strain and worry that had been ever present in the last five years. Her silk gown showed off a rounded figure that she hadn’t owned in years due to lack of food.

“Oh my god.” She shuddered at the impossibility of what she was seeing. She backed away slowly with her hand to her mouth as horror flooded her. The sparkle of the ring on her left hand stopped her cold.

“I’m going crazy.” She said in a whisper as if someone were listening. She studied the three carat square cut diamond that graced her left hand. She tried to swallow the vomit that rose in her throat

“Anna?” John called softly as a large crack of lightning lit up the room.

She didn’t answer, but hid in the bathroom trying to keep her breathing quiet. She felt like she was playing hide and seek, she didn’t know what to say to him. She wasn’t even sure if this was real. She bit her finger and stared into her own eyes in the mirror, horror struck.

“Anna where are you?” he called out again as his feet hit the floor. She heard his familiar stride as he looked for her. He came to the bathroom door and filled the doorway as another bolt of lightning split the sky. His black hair was too long and his green eyes with their thick lashes looked at her in question but his smile was warm and inviting.

‘Why are you hiding in here sweetheart?” He said quietly as his green eyes met hers in the mirror. He tucked her under his chin and wrapped both arms around her from behind. Anna stared at them together in the mirror and thought that although it was like looking at a ghost it also felt right.

“I don’t know?” she answered shakily, sounding confused even to her own ears. “You know I hate storms.” Anna wanted to face palm herself for sounding so stupid but it was the only reply her muddled brain could come up with.

“Come back to bed.” John said as he ran his hand over her wrist. Anna felt the touch and shivered. John has always known just how to touch her to drive her crazy. “I promise I can distract you from the storm.”

“Back to bed huh?” Anna said shakily as she leaned back into him giving in to his touch, “what for?”

“So I can distract you properly.” He said softly as he began to kiss her neck leaving licks of fire in his wake. Anna arched into the touch wanting more even though some part of her brain was screaming that this was crazy. His hands ran down her arms and brushed his hands gently across her breasts. Her nipples pebbled against his warm grasp and she moaned despite her confusion. John groaned as her body became pliant against him arching back against his chest. His hands slid down the blue nightgown she wore and slid the straps down with a gentle flick. It fell, revealing her breasts and Anna felt herself grow hot with desire as she watched his tan hands close over her paler flesh.

“I want you.” His voice was an animal growl that resonated inside her to her bones. His hands played her like a violinist playing the strings and she heard herself moaning in response.

“God John when you touch me I can’t think of anything else. You make me crazy.”

“Me too,” He murmured as his hands slid down her stomach taking her gown with it. It pooled in a whisper at her feet leaving her in her blue lace underwear. John growled and followed the gowns progress with his fingers running them over her.

“I feel like I’m on fire, like I can’t breathe.”

“Let me take care of you,” he growled as his hands found her panties. “What kind of man would I be if I don’t take care of my wife?”

Anna’s brain stuttered to a stop at his words.

“Did he say wife?”