Home Sweet Home?

“I promised I’d make it worth your while, let me show you.” The thunder sounded loud in the distance and Anna Jumped again. God she hated thunderstorms and it just made the confusion in her head worse.

“Did he really say wife? But that makes no sense.” Anna thought to herself as she saw his wedding ring gleaming on the hand he locked around her own. The sight of the gold band made her whole world spin.” Where am I?” She thought muddily as she let herself be pulled along “Why is he calling me his wife?”

She looked around the room as they made their way towards the bed. She realized that somehow she knew things about it. Like how many steps it was to the bed from the bathroom and the fact that she knew there was a flashlight in the drawer.

“Maybe you should.. show me?” Anna asked distractedly, in a confusion of desire. She looked into John’s green eyes and her mind swirled as he stopped and picked her up in his arms. His eyes burned like fire as he looked down at her. He growled as he encouraged her to wrap her legs around him. Her lace panties brushed against his erection, which was pressing hard against her. She wanted him, despite not knowing how she came to be here. The thought that he might have snapped himself ran through her mind but she really didn’t care.

“Well, he said with a wicked smile, “Starting with not making fun of you for the fact that you drank a whole vineyard for dinner?” He said as he walked slowly to the bed, every step pushing him against her.

“I’m not sure what you are talking about.” She said breathlessly as he sat down heavily on the bed.

“You know the two bottles of raspberry desert wine you killed during the meal.” John said as he settled his hands on her back and pulled her against his naked chest. Anna moaned as his crisp chest hair rubbed her nipples and made then hard and aching.

Anna licked her lips and felt her mouth go dry as she realized it tasted like raspberries. This whole night was beginning to feel very familiar and a chill ran down her spine. The quiet understated elegance of the room hit her hard.

“Maybe I did have too much wine.” Anna said hesitantly as she started to feel the turmoil in her stomach twist into a solid knot. Her body felt hot, “why did you let me drink so much?”

“You know I can never say no to you when you really want something.”

“And what do you think I want right now?” she asked as he moved and turned her so she lay beneath him. Anna closed her eyes to shut out the intense hunger she saw in his eyes even though she only wanted to fall into them.

“Me hopefully.”

Anna felt her heart twist and she did the only thing she could or wanted to do, she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him closer. She wanted things to be like they had been. She wanted nothing more than to believe that this is real even though her mind was screaming that there was no way it could be. She tried to ignore the fact that somewhere inside her mind knew where they were but didn’t want to believe it. Anna gave into what her heart wanted. She grabbed his neck and pulled him close kissing his lips. She sighed into his mouth as he deepened it.

“Now this is exactly how I pictured spending out anniversary, being your favorite distraction. “He murmured against her lips.

Anna gasped as he kissed her deeper. She felt as if she were having an out of body experience as the worlds swirled around in her head.

“It’s our anniversary?”