Lets Get it Started

“Hello,” she said into the phone as Johns fingers tripped over her shoulder.

“Anna, its Isabel.”

Anna rolled her eyes and wanted to end the call now. She mouthed Isabel’s name to John and he flopped back on the bed with a groan.

“What do you want Isabel?” Anna said with a sigh as she grabbed Johns hand and gave it a kiss. “ We told you we would let you know when we were available.”

“Listen Anna I’m not sure what game you are playing or what’s gotten into you but your display this morning was ridiculous.”

Anna felt her blood boil as she sat up. She had spent her whole life letting her get away with everything and she was not going to let it continue. She was not going to let Isabel ruin her life. She had a funny feeling that Isabel was more involved in what happened than even the conversation this morning she’d overheard suggested. She wanted this marriage and Isabel was not going to stand in her way.

“Isabel listen...” Anna began about to give her a piece of her mind but John grabbed the phone and put it to his ear.

“Isabel we are busy.” He said loudly as he rolled his eyes at her. He listened for a moment and sighed before nodding.

“Fine we will be available in ten minutes.” He groused and hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed.

“Ten minutes and she will be here because her stuff is getting thrown away if it’s not moved. Apparently we have taken up her precious time with our activities.”

“God, she’s a pain.” Anna groaned and flopped down as John made his way to the shower.

“Yes, but if we hurry,” he said with a wink “we can shower together, go help her and get back to what we were doing.”

Anna watched his body move as he made his way to the shower. His muscled shoulders displaying a predatory grace that called to something wild inside her. She was still reeling from the events of last night and this morning and her emotions were still everywhere. One thing she knew for sure what that she was not going to miss this opportunity.

Anna sprinted after him and jumped into the shower with him. The water poured down on them and they gave into their passion with a quick fierceness that shattered everything that had come before. Anna gripped the tile as he loved her quick and hard, his name dripping from her lips. Anna realized as she held him under the steaming water that this was worth fighting for. They were so lost in each other that they well exceeded their time. The beating on the door jerked them back to reality as they scrambled to wrap towels around themselves.

“Just a minute” Anna said breathlessly as she opened the door to a surprised Isabel. God she had some nerve calling and then showing up. She deserved everything Anna was prepared to dish out

“We’re just getting out of the shower so you’ll have to give us a minute.”

Isabel sputtered as she took in the towel wrapped around Anna’s body. Anna smiled as Isabel smoothed her perfect blonde hair into place and looked away quickly. She was dressed in designer jeans with strategic rips on the thighs and a crop top. She was supposed to be moving today but she still looked ready for a fashion show.

“Is John dressed?” Isabel asked trying to look past Anna into the room.

“No you are going to have to wait.” Anna said moving to block Isabel’s view.

Isabel leaned in, not used to waiting. When she didn’t see John she leaned in closely so she could whisper quietly so only Anna could hear. Her eyes darted around nervously before she spoke.

“I’m not sure what is going on here, but I thought that you were leaving John. I thought we had it all figured out.”

“You may have had it all figured out, but I’m not leaving John.”

Anna folded her arms over her chest daring her to say anything.

“What!” Isabel screeched quietly “Why?”

“Because” Anna said slowly as she approached Isabel “He belongs to me.”

Isabel scrunched up her face and glared at Anna. She stood to her full height and pushed a finger at Anna.

“I am just trying to help you.”

Anna smacker her hand away and glared right back.” Don’t help me.”

Isabel smiled a cold snakelike grin that would have made her shiver before. Now she grinned back daring her to do something.

“What about our plan?” Isabel asked leaning closer, “Don’t you want a new life?”

Anna looked at her and looked her up and down as if sizing her up and finding her wanting.

“I can decide for myself what my life will be.”

“We’ll see. “Isabel said with a forced smile as she turned and smiled at John over her shoulder.

Anna saw the look Isabel gave John and despite the new found determination in her heart she still worried about what to do about Isabel.

“How was she going to get her to butt out of their lives?”