Why Didn't the Plan Work?

“So are we going to talk about what happened or not?” Isabel asked quietly as she inched closer trying to avoid John hearing.

Anna glared at Isabel in disbelief. “She’s got some nerve asking me that.” Anna thought in amazement, but she guessed she shouldn’t be surprised.

“The part where you were a bitch. Or the part where you undermined my marriage?”

Isabel stuttered at Anna clearly flustered. Her blonde hair was out of place and her eyes looked wary. Anna leaned against the door frame and stared her down. She could almost read Isabel’s expression like a book, she was clearly worried. Anna liked the idea that she was worried for a change.

“I… I… don’t know what’s going on with you but you are acting crazy.” Isabel said in a hiss stepping closer. “Completely unlike yourself and I don’t like it.”

“You mean unwilling to take crap from you and do what you say?”

“NO! Of course not.”

Anna slammed the door shut on the moving truck and leaned against it. She crossed her arms and tucked a strand of red hair back. She dug her hands into her arms hoping it would keep her from punching her in the face.

“You tried to get me to leave my husband.” What else is there to say?”

“I was shocked at seeing you there and I was angry that our plan didn’t work. I am just worried that you are not going to get out of a marriage that obviously isn’t working for you.”

“I will decide what is working for me and what isn’t.”

“That’s not what you said last night!”

“Well like I told you earlier, I just asked my husband and I trusted him.”

“You were a mess last night!” Isabel said in a cold tone “I was just trying to take care of you.”

Anna looked at the pretend concern on her cousin’s face and felt sick. “How on earth did I ever believe that she was trying to help me?” Anna thought to herself sadly. “I guess I just always assumed that she loved me because she is the only family I had that actively participated in my life. Isabel is obviously only out for herself.”

“I can take care of myself and make my own decisions,” Anna said aloud, shutting down her thoughts as she stepped past her.

“But you’ve always needed my advice and help before,” Isabel said trying a softer tack as she grabbed Anna’s arm. “Ever since we were kids, you’ve depended on me, I’ve always taken care of the big decisions.”

“Lucky for me I can take care of myself,” Anna said in a low voice as she turned and pulled her arm free.

She went to join John but didn’t miss the raw anger that flashed in Isabel’s eyes. She tried to pretend that she couldn’t feel Isabel’s eyes on her as she talked to John. Isabel had always loved to be in control. In the end, she’d always had a willing puppet in Anna.

“I completely let her control me. She even tried to choose my wedding dress when I married John”. Anna thought to herself as she talked to John while keeping Isabel in her peripheral vision. “I never suspected that she might have ulterior motives.”

“Are you okay?” John asked breaking into her thoughts as he brushed her arm gently to get her full attention.

“I’m fine. Just thinking.” Anna said as John turned away with a smile and the last brush against her arm.

Anna watched her cousin and tried to peel away the layers that hid Isabel’s true self from the world. “She is so good at pretending, but underneath I think she really hates me.” Anna thought as she watched her.

Anna suddenly thought of the night she’d died in her apartment as something that had been bothering her clicked into place. Nothing in the apartment had been out of place, even her ring was still in its sugar bowl. Any thief worth their salt would have found it.

Isabel caught her staring and put on that wounded dog look that always fooled everyone. “I’m glad I know better now.” Anna thought sadly shaking her head. Anna stared at her and didn’t back down as all the possibilities surrounding that fatal night rolled around in her head. There was only one conclusion to come to but it made her sick to seriously consider it.

“Oh My God,” She thought as the inevitable truth settled into place. “She sent those men to kill me!”