Fight Night

“Of course not!”

Anna tapped her foot and looked him in the eye waiting for him to continue. All the years of snide remarks from his family had finally pushed her to the breaking point.

“Then tell me,” she paused as her hands clenched and unclenched at her hips, “why it feels like I’m defending myself again? I believed you last night when you said Erin was all over you and now you don’t believe me when I tell you something?”

Anna’s hand raked through her red hair and she pinched the bridge of her nose praying for patience. She’d thought everything was better after they talked last night, but now it seems like they were falling right back into one of their most dangerous habits. His mother and sister had been a sore spot between them for years and now she knew he was still as blind as ever.

”Anna, No!” he shouted loudly coming to stand in front of her. He put his hands on her arms and pulled her against his chest. “I know you and I believe you, but you and my mother have never seen eye to eye and you misunderstand her.”

“God John, stop being so blind!” she said as she pushed him away. Her feet dug tracks in the ground as she paced away from him and then stormed back.

“Your mother and sister want us to get divorced John! They said as much just now. This isn’t even the first time, but I tell you and you don’t believe me. Having someone doubt you when you tell them something makes it hard to have a relationship let alone a marriage!”

“ Anna..”

“Don’t you Anna me!” She cut him off with a slash of her hand “I’m sick of having my needs put behind the needs of everyone else. And now Isabel lives here too which is only going to make this worse.”

“You said she should move in.”

“I was pushed into saying yes!”

“No one told you to let her bully you that was your own decision.”

Anna turned to him as the blood drained from her face. She had never been this angry at anyone and right now she wanted to hit him. Isabel was a close second but right now Anna wanted so badly to hurt him. John blanched at the pallor of her face and reached for her again.

“How dare you?” she screamed as she stepped back from him “You know our past and for you to tell me it was my decision?”

“You’re right.” John amended quickly holding his hands up in defense, “I shouldn’t have said that. I was angry and I took it out on you. Believe me, I know how hard it’s been.”

“You don’t act like it!” Anna said wiping the tears of anger from her eyes as she pushed his hands back.

John kept his hands up and approached her slowly. He gently turned her to face him and cupped her face “I know, I’m being an ass, I’m sorry.”

“How can you even think about saying something like that?”

“I really am sorry.” He said sincerely as he looked into her face. He ran his hands over her trembling arms and pulled her to him. This time she came without fighting. Tears streamed down her face as she wrapped her arms around him.

“Don’t you see, this is one of the biggest reasons we fight. You don’t think your mother and sister mean what they say because they are nice when you are around. They are horrible to me and they mean every word they say! Please believe me.”

John looked down at her and regret shone from his eyes. “I’ll talk to them okay. I just want you to be happy.”

“God I sound like a wimp.” She said unhappily as she wrapped her arms around him.

“No, you are just being honest.”

“Maybe, “she said hesitantly “It’s time for your mother and May to get a place of their own?” Anna said quietly “It’s been almost a year since your dad passed away and I think it would help them move on with their lives.”

John sighed, and looked off into the distance thinking about Anna’s words. It had always been a bone of contention between them and she knew he hated to think about his mother and sister on their own so soon after the loss of his father.

“Maybe, but you know they need me.”

“I need you too.” Anna said quietly “Please think about it. I think it would be good for everybody. I think it’s what your dad would have wanted.”

“You might be right. God I miss him so much.”

“I know, he was amazing, I miss him too.” Anna sighed and wrapped her arms around John remembering his kind father who had only ever been supportive of their marriage. “He was such a good man.”

“He was.”

John pulled her closer and tucked her back under his chin. They both held each other as thoughts of John’s father William ran through both their minds. His death shortly after their wedding had come as a blow to them all. William had been big, gruff and kind, with one of the most intense senses of humor she’d ever seen. William had been like a second father to her and she missed the great bear of a man.

“Maybe if your mom had a life of her own she would not need to be so unhappy all the time.”

“I think you’re right but I don’t think this is the time to ask them to move out.”

“But John…”

“But …he said gently “I will talk to them about how they treat you.”

“Can you at least think about having them move out?”

“I will.” He agreed quietly rubbing her arm. He smiled at her and stepped back quickly.

“Where are you going?”

“To talk to my mother and May. He said with a tight smile as he turned toward the house. I’m going to straighten it out.”