How We Met

Anna watched him go knowing this was not going to be an easy conversation. Unfortunately it was one that they needed to have. John needed to stand up for them like he’d done since the beginning. Anna remembered the first day they’d met so clearly it was as if it were yesterday. Clarence Creek North Carolina, a small town about 30 minutes outside of Asheville was not a forgiving one. Growing up the child of a single mother made it so much worse. She’d gone to school that first day knowing it was not going to be pleasant.

Clarence Creek Elementary First day of Kindergarten

Anna bit her nails and watched the children run around the classroom. No one had noticed her and those who had noticed her whispered about her hiding behind their hands. Most of the kids lived around her but weren’t allowed to play with her because she didn’t have a daddy and her mommy went to heaven in a car accident. Anna had never felt so sad. She tried not to cry but tears slipped down her cheeks and soaked the blue ribbons at the end of her red braids. Her clothes were Goodwill specials but she had never noticed before, now it was all too obvious. She wished she were back home, her aunt and uncle were mean to her but at least they talked to her. She silently put her head down.

“Who are you?” a tiny voice asked

Anna lifted her head and looked into the brightest pair of green eyes she’d ever seen. His dark hair was cut short and slicked back to his head, and his small tie was crooked. He was dressed in tan pants and a button down shirt and looked miserable.

Just like me, Anna thought.

“I’m Anna, Who are you?”

“I’m John,” he said with a curious look as he pulled at the tie “Do you have cooties?”

“NO!” Anna shouted back horrified

“The other kids said so.”

Anna got really mad and pushed him as hard as she could. “I do not have cooties!” she yelled right in his face as she stamped her foot. “You’re gross and mean.”

John stared at her thunderstruck as the teacher pulled her away. He’d never met anyone like her. She turned back and stuck her tongue out at him making sure the teacher didn’t see her. John shook his head but he kept thinking about the girl with red braids. Anna found herself thinking about him too.

Anna shook her head as she came back to the present and heard loud voices from inside the house. She sighed and moved away from the noise wondering if they were ever going to get to a place where they could live their life on their own without interference. It had been going on their whole lives.

Anna sighed and walked deeper into the garden .She and John had renovated it when they’d moved in and now it featured a gazeebo and a trickling fountain that she loved. John had complained about the fountain but she’d convinced him. She had always been good at convincing him to do things. Anna smiled as she remembered when she’d convinced them both that they were in love.

Clarence Creek Middle School

“Ms. McCoy,” The principal started out in a voice that told her he was trying to be calm “how do you explain the materials that were found in your backpack?”

Fifteen year old Anna sat as still as possible. The materials he was talking about were cans of spray paint. They were hers but she could never admit it. This would be her third “Incident” in three months. Her aunt had promised her that she would be sent away if anything else happened. The problem is, when you are being beaten at home and have to hide bruises with long sleeved hoodies, acting out is the only thing you can control.

“I’m not sure how that got there.”

“Umm Humm.” The principal said with obvious disbelief as he tapped his finger on the desk “Why don’t I believe you?”

“I really don’t know, undiagnosed rage issues.”

“Very funny, maybe John can tell us more.” Anna slapped her palm to her forehead once his back was turned because she knew John would crack.

John came in and gave her a dark look. She shrugged as he plopped down in the seat next to her. She kept her head down and hid her face but she could still feel the heat of his stare.

“John, would you care to shed some light on what happened here today. “You’ve always been a good student and other than your, affiliation with Ms. McCoy, you have a spotless record.”

Anna peeked at him from her curtain of hair and met his eyes. She shifted and her hoodie sleeve slipped up showing a huge hand print on her forearm. Anna jerked it down and looked quickly at the principal to see if he’d seen it. He didn’t but John did. His green eyes widened and the silent conversation between them only took seconds. He nodded and turned to the principal with wide clear eyes.

“The spray paint is mine.”

Anna shook her head to clear it. She’d always loved John but it was that moment that she knew.

John rounded the path just then breaking her out of her reverie. His expression looked thunderous and Anna cringed as he walked toward her. Something inside her worried that he was somehow mad at her, that they’d turned him against her.

“Dear God please don’t let me be alone again” Anna thought as she watched John come toward her. “How can I survive it a second time?”