
John sighed when he saw her and opened his arms wide. He knew that look and it broke his heart. She ran to him and wrapped her arms tight around him as her heart expanded.

“I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” He said as he stroked her hair. “I made it clear that if they didn’t accept you that they didn’t accept me as we are a package deal. “


“They apologized and said that they understood”

“Seriously?” Anna said incredulously pulling back to look at him in shock.

“Yep, I told them that if they made you miserable that they had to move out.”

“What made you change your mind? “Usually you come up with reasons that let them off the hook.”

“I realized that you were more important to me.”

Anna smiled brightly. “I am so proud of you.”

“I just wish I had done it earlier.”

“Me too.” She said softly as she nibbled the corners of his mouth. “It’s hard always being the bad guy.”

“I know and I’m sorry,” John said as he captured her lips in a kiss that scorched her to her toes.

“Come on,” He said breaking the kiss slowly “I have an anniversary gift for you.”

“I thought we weren’t doing gifts?”

“I lied.” John said with a smile as he tugged her behind him, “But you have to close your eyes.”

Anna closed her eyes and John led her through the garden. She could hear the trickle of her water fountain but they passed it by. The ground changed under her feet and she could feel the thick green grass of the inner garden crunch. She wanted to open her eyes but managed to keep them closed.

“Where are you taking me?”

“If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

“But I can’t wait!” Anna said excitedly as they came to a stop.

“Okay Princess, Open your eyes.”

Anna’s eyes popped open and she gasped. A small gazebo had been built under a large oak tree and a porch swing just like the one she’d had when she was a child drifted gently in the breeze. Ribbons of yellow roses, her favorite, had been wrapped around the beams of the gazebo making it look like something out of a dream.

“You remembered!” She said softly as she ran up the steps. She watched the light filter through the stained glass ceiling as rainbows chased each other across the floor.

“Of course.” He said softly coming to stand beside her “I remember everything about you.”

“How did I get so lucky?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around him.

“I have no idea.” John laughed as he grabbed her up in his arms bridal style plopping down on the porch swing with her held tight against him.

“It’s not every day that a girl from the trailer park marries the prince.”

“You know I never saw you that way.”

“I know,” She said with a smile as she traced his mouth gently “but you have to admit our story is sort of a fairytale. The illegitimate daughter lives with her aunt and uncle who hate and abuse her and the prince offers to marry her.”

He bit her finger gently before letting go “I offered to marry you for totally selfish reasons.”

“Really?” Anna asked with a smile.

“I wanted you. Saving you from the abuse was just a bonus.”


“Absolutely,” he growled as he pulled her finger back into his mouth and sucked. His warm mouth wrapped around her finger igniting the fire inside her. She shifted as her breath hitched with each pull. “You see,” he said softly as he let her finger go, “you belonged to me.”

“Is… Is that right?” she asked as his hands began to unbutton her shirt. Anna arched her back and allowed him to slip it off leaving her in her black silk bra. She stood and popped the button on her jeans shimmying out of them showing him the black lace panties to match.

“You have always been mine,” John growled as he pulled her to the soft oak scented floor of the gazebo. Her hands traveled over him quickly stripping his t-shirt and jeans down and off leaving him bare. His hands moved almost as fast, baring her to his hungry gaze throwing her silky underwear on top of the rest of their clothes. Her hands smoothed his skin enjoying the play of muscle as her hands explored.

“So who belongs to who now?” she asked as she began to slowly stroke him. Her center was wet with need and she wanted nothing more than to have him.

John reared up and grabbed her around the waist switching their positions so that she was above him. His dark hands caressed her breasts, weighing each one in his big hands. Anna arched her back as his clever hands found and pleasured her, finding her ready.

John lifted her and held her above him for a moment before pushing inside gently. His hands locked on her hips and he began to move faster as she arched against him. “You belong to me.” He growled possessively as she gasped and moaned urging him to move faster. “Say it.”

“I’m yours,” Anna screamed as they came apart together their harsh breath sounding loud in the quiet of the late afternoon. Laziness overcame her as she snuggled into John.

Anna had often wondered how it felt to be happy when she was growing up. It had been so miserable and she had been so alone until she’d met John. These last five years had been a cold hell of misery that she never wanted to repeat. The reality of this life had its drawbacks but she wanted it with him. Anna stroked her hands over his hair as he lay beside her in the afternoon light, his tan skin turned to gold in the sunlight. He was so precious and she couldn’t lose him again. She worried that this wouldn’t last, how long could she cheat fate before something went wrong?