Omi's new boyfriend

Omi was murmuring -" I am very hungry , but this jerk said he will not allow me to go anywhere . He spoiled my birthday , all are waiting for me at home and I am here with this half wit guy. "

Sazana was clearly hearing what she was saying . He suddenly stepped towards the door .

Omi was seeing that he was going somewhere and try to asked but he left . He closed the door before going . Omi was waiting for him for an hour .

Suddenly , she heard a suspicious sound and go there to check and she saw a cake along with balloons and greeting cards .

She started smiling by seeing birthday cake but then she thought that who had putted this cake here because no one was there .

After that she listen some sounds coming from somewhere - ' Happy birthday to you .....' Hearing the voice she became happy and cut the cake . She was very hungry so she ate the whole cake .

Whole night Danny and Uncle Joe was waiting for Omi . They started searching for her but the librarian said that she left at sharp 8:30 pm . Joe lodged a complaint of Omi's missing and went home .

In morning , when omi opened her eyes there was no one so she tried to escaped but suddenly heard a sound -" Where are you going ? " When she turned back she saw Sazana .

An idea stuck in Omi's mind and she said -" Listen , you want to protect me , ok , I am fine with it . But my uncle is not my enemy if you want then I won't tell him about you but please atleast allow me to go home . In my home I am completely safe . So , you don't need to worry ."

Sazana said -" Ok , but I have a condition ."

Omi -" what condition ? "

Sazana said -" If you tell that I am your savior than they will ask many questions , which I have not interest to answer . So , my condition is that I will stay at your home and you have tell them anything about me except the truth ."

Omi (shockingly)- " What ? You are insane ? how will my uncle allow you to stay at my home ? "

Sazana - " I don't know , but if you want to go back to your normal life than you have to do what I said ."

Omi started thinking that how she would going to convince her uncle .

Omi -" I have a plan . In front of my uncle you will act like my boyfriend ."

Sazana -" What ? You are impossible to be understand . I mean , first you said that your uncle will not allow me and now you are saying that if I become your fake boyfriend then he will allow me .How can this be possible ? "

Omi -" Yes , it's possible , my uncle is always concern about my future because I am introvert type girl and don't make more friends and he is very open minded and he told me that before getting married the person I love I have to be with him in live in relationship to know him . "

Sazana (smiling ) -" So , you are going to marry me in future ?"

Omi -" No , jerk .... (hesitate) I mean no I don't want to marry you but this is my plan so that you can enter in my house , understand ."

Sazana -" See , I don't give a damn to your bullshits , you do whatever you want but remember one thing I won't allow you to go anywhere without me ."

Omi ( in a frustrated tone ) -" Ok " . They both arrived at home and rang bell .Uncle Joe opened the door .

When he saw Omi he hugged her and asked -" Where were you ? I was looking for you everywhere ." Omi was speechless because she got little bit shy .

Uncle Joe asked her -" Omi , who is this guy ? " Omi was standing silent . Her uncle repeated four to five times but she didn't said a words .

Finally Sazana said -" I'm her boyfriend and she was with me whole night celebrating her birthday ."

Uncle Joe got shocked and said -" What ? Omi you have a boyfriend but you never told to me ? "

Sazana interrupted him - " Mr. Joe , this is not it ,Omi forced me to live with her in her house because she wants to understand me before get married ."

Uncle Joe in double shock -" What ? You want to marry him ? when all this happen , tell me Omi ."

Omi -" Yes... Uncle please forgive me I won't repeat this mistake again . "

Uncle (smilingly ) -" No, my child I am not against your relationship in fact I am very happy that you moved on in life . I am just saying that if you have a boyfriend then why you hide with me ."

Omi -" Uncle , I was nervous ." Uncle Joe (smiling) -" What is your name young boy ? " Sazana-" I am Sazana ."

Uncle -" Please come in and be comfortable ." Omi murmuring -" He will be fine but we have to suffer ." Sazana asked -" You said something ? " Omi (irritating tone) -" Nothing ."

Then they both started living together .