Unknown enemy - 1

At 5:00 am Omi was sleeping and Sazana came in room , poured water on her .

She shouted on him and said -" What are you doing ? You are my savior or what ? "

Sazana ( in calm mood )-" Ofcourse , I am savior so it's my duty to keep you healthy ."

Omi -" What a baseless connection ? If you are my savior , then your duty is just to protect me . Keep me healthy it's not at all your duty ."

Sazana -" I said you earlier that you have to follow my words otherwise I will take back to you in that abandoned palace . "

Omi -" You know what , I never met a rude guy like you , you are always threatening me but you call yourself my savior ."

Sazana -" I am not answerable to you so keep your mouth shut and just do what I said ."

They both went on a playground . Sazana -" It's your first day so I will give you light exercise . Go and run 20 rounds of this playground ."

Omi (shocked) -" What ? You called it a light exercise ? I will die if I did more than five ."

Sazana (calm voice ) -" I'll make sure you won't die . If you do 20 rounds the enough will happen to you is that you will faint , but don't worry . Now don't waste time and do what I said ."

Omi murmuring -" He is not half wit but a full crack jerk ." Sazana -" You said something ?" Omi - "Nope " .

After exercise Sazana dropped Omi to college . Omi -" Now you can go ." Sazana -" I am not going . I am coming with you in your class room ."

Omi -" What ? It's my college , I will be safe here . Don't act like my mumma ."

Sazana -" First of all , I am not your mumma and second thing I won't leave you anywhere alone ." Omi -" You are with me from last night but nothing happens to me . I think you are wasting your time ."

Sazana -" Nothing happens to you because I am with you , but for the first time I agree with you . You can go , I will stand here untill you come back ."

Omi (smilingly) -" Ok " .

When she entered in the college some people followed her . She started walking fast and that guys also walking with her. Suddenly they stopped her and spelled her with magic .

When Omi opened her eyes she found herself tied . She found four to five people in front of her . All the people faces covered with mask and hat .

She questioned -" Who are you ? what you want from me ? Release me , I want to go home ."

One man with a mask arrived in front of her and said (harshly) -" Because of you I lost my everything , You are the reason behind my every pain. I want nothing from you but to kill you . I won't let you die one time but I will make you die in every breathe untill you dead ."

Omi ( scared ) -" I don't even know you then how would I become the reason of your pain ."

Strange enemy (with a devil smile ) -" You will die with this mystery ."

Omi shouted for help but there was no one who could help her . That Strange enemy Doing a power spell to hurt her and he throw the power spell to omi but after that he saw nothing but smoke everywhere.

The smoke started clearing slowly slowly and he found Sazana in front of him . The Strange enemy questioned -" Who are you ?"

Sazana said -" No , the question is , who are you ? "

Strange enemy smiled and said -" I think we both don't want to reveal our identities . Fine , now first of all I will kill you and then this girl ."

Sazana -" I am not came here to fight with you ." Strange enemy -" Then why the hell you came here ?"

Sazana (smiled ) -" I came to inform you that this girl is going to beat you very badly ."

Omi (staring at Sazana) -" What are you talking ? He is so powerful , I will be faint in one shot ."

Sazana (ignoring Omi's words ) -" If you don't believe me then you can test her by fighting ."

Strange enemy -" Ok fine, Amiha (his servant) untied this girl and let see what she can do . "