Unknown enemy - 2

Amiha untied Omi . Omi went near to Sazana and said (scared tone) -" If you want to kill me than you have many other easy options but why are you throwing me in front of this devil who has just take a oath to kill me ."

Sazana -" Don't take stress , in front of your powers , he is useless , you just have to fight with your extreme powers ."

Omi -" What rubbish are you talking ? If I really have extreme powers than why all this jerks dare to kidnap me ."

Sazana -" Hey , you so... called wizard , what are you waiting for ? come and fight with her ." Strange enemy (smiling ) -" As you wish ."

Sazana push Omi in front of the wizard and said -" Let's the fight begins ." That wizard hit Omi with one power spell and she fainted .

Wizard (laughing loudly ) -" So , this is her powers , ohhh .... I got scared (continuously laughing ) . She is nothing in front of me , understand ."

Sazana (with a little smile ) -" Mark my words , she will defeat you , one day . I sent her to fight with you because I want to check the difference between your and her powers and now I thought that I have to do more practice on her . But for now you will get privilege to fight with me , come on ."

The fight between them took place for an hour . They both gave each other tough competition but that Strange enemy's powers dominated Sazana and he lost , but he safely took Omi to home , and he promised that they will met soon , in the next battle .

After few hours Omi gain consciousness and she saw Sazana . She shouted on him -" What you were doing there ? You came to protect me or to help that jerk so that he can kill me easily . "

Sazana -" It was not my fault , you were so weak , that you didn't even fight with him for atleast two minutes . You are useless. "

Omi -" What ? He had magical powers and I had nothing but a savior like you ." Sazana -" You are weak , and you if you want to fight with those wizards than you have to be reach to your extreme , otherwise next time you won't survive ."

Omi (discontented ) -" I am normal human being , I don't have magical powers like them . And I don't understand one thing , what they want from me ? I don't even know them ? "

Sazana -" I have all the answers of your questions but I can't tell you now . And by seeing your last battle I thought your powers are sealed otherwise it wasn't possible that you turned 20 but you don't even know that you have special powers ."

Omi -" Are you deaf or What ? I said, I don't have any powers ."

Sazana -" No , you have and to unlock your seal you have increase your strength to the extreme level . " Omi -" And how can I reach to my extreme ? " Sazana -" With the very hard training . So , I decided from tomorrow we will start training , got it."

Omi -" Every sunday I go to watch my friend Danny's soccer practice . So , I don't I have a time to be involve in your training , got it ."

Sazana (little smile ) -" I am not asking , it's my order that we are going to start training tomorrow ."

Omi murmured -" Normally on birthday you gifted with the best things but I gifted with this so... called Savior ."

Sazana -" You said something ?" Omi -" Nothing " .