A broken friendship ?

After fighting with the kidnapper of Omi , Sazana knew that he is the Prince of dark wizards , Zora . And he also understood that he had a very short time to unlock Omi's seal otherwise the consequences would be destructive .

In early morning , Omi and Sazana went to the playground and started training .

Omi said ( politely ) -" Listen Sazana , I am doing what you said and this is just my second day so I want to leave so I can attain Danny's soccer practice . "

Sazana -" No , before 6: 00 pm you will not go anywhere , understand ." Omi ( become sad ) -" Ok " .

From morning to till evening , Omi was doing training and she felt almost dead because in fourteen hours training Sazana didn't even gave her a break .

On the other hand , Danny was waiting for Omi because this was the first time that Omi didn't attained his soccer practice so he was disappointed and became sad .

After 6:00 pm , Sazana said -" Now , we can end our training and go home ."

Omi -" No , I don't even have the power to drag , than how would I go home on my legs ."

Sazana -" Ok , I have a solution . "

Omi -" What ? "

Sazana took Omi in his lap . Omi ( angrily ) -" Put me down ."

Sazana -" You just said that you don't have the power to even drag at home so I am just helping you . "

Omi -" I don't want to go home ." Sazana -" What ? So in this condition where you want to go ? "

Omi -" I want to meet Danny because he will be angry with me , please take me there , he is my only bestfriend. "

Sazana became silent .Omi -" Say something ,why you suddenly become silent ."

Sazana -" Ok , it's your choice , I will take you to Danny ."

Danny was sitting alone on the top of the under construction building because that was the place where he and Omi used to spend time .

Omi was not in a condition to walk but still she said Sazana -" You stay here I'll be right back ."

Omi managed somehow to went on terrace . Omi ( politely ) -" I know you are angry with me . "

Danny turned back and saw Omi . Danny ( angry voice ) -" How would you know that I'll be here ? "

Omi (smilingly ) -" Because this our special place where we both had spend good time together so I thought that you might be here ."

Danny -" I am sure you will doing something very important that you don't even get a chance to come in my soccer practice ."

Omi -" Not important but a strange work . " Danny -" What ? "

Omi (can't tell truth to Danny ) -" Nothing , I was doing my homework ."

Danny -" You didn't even attained the class yesterday and if you had attained still , for kind your information yesterday we didn't got any homework . ( Danny finds tension on Omi's face ) Is there any problem Omi , why are you telling lie . "

Omi -" Listen , I can't tell you what is happening in my life , I am sorry ."

Danny -" Every relationship is based on truth , if you don't tell me the truth than our friendship will be only of words not from heart . "

Omi stuck in a dillemma because she didn't wanted to break her friendship but at the same time she couldn't tell him about her training .