A forced relationship

Sazana was listening their conversation and when Omi became silent and he doubt that in emotions , she will probably tell truth.

So, he interrupted their conversation and said -" Yes , Omi is lying because she doesn't want to reveal her relationship in front of her bestfriend ."

Danny asked Sazana -" Who are you ? " Sazana ( with a smile ) -" I am her boyfriend ."

Danny - " What are you talking ? Omi never told to me that she has a boyfriend . "

Omi ( hesitated tone ) -" He is right , he is my boyfriend . "

Danny (with a smile ) -" What Omi ,You have boyfriend ? So, my little friend is finally commited in relationship . I am so happy for you . So , now I understand , you were with him all the time ."

Sazana -" Sorry for the interruption , but this is too late so we have to go home ."

Danny (surprisingly ) -" You both are living together ? "

Sazana -" Yes , she wants to understand me before getting married ."

Danny -" You mean live in relationship ."

Sazana -" Exactly "

Omi said to Danny -" We will meet tomorrow in college , seeya . "

Omi found difficult to walk so Sazana took her in lap in front of Danny .

Danny (with a big smile ) -" Aww , how romantic ! "

Omi murmured -" Because of this jerk Sazana , I am almost in a paralyzed mode and he found it romantic , what a tragedy . "

Sazana (with a little smile ) -" You are very close to me so I can clearly hear what you are saying and if you won't stop calling me jerk than I will let you fall on the ground and your almost paralyzed body will become permanent paralyzed , understood ."

Danny -" What you both are saying ?"

Omi -" Nothing special " .

Danny -" I am taking leave , bye ."

After Danny's exit , Sazana flew in sky taking Omi in his lap .

When they arrived in the Omi's room , it was decorated with candles .

Omi questioned Uncle -" What is all this uncle ? "

Uncle - " If you want to understand each other than candle light dinner is the best way, where you can share some quality time together . "

Sazana said -" I know Uncle you want to see her happy but now she is tired and want to rest ."

Omi -" For the first time I agreed with you , uncle , I badly need rest , we will continue this candle light dinner on any other day ."

Uncle -" No , my child , relationship is a responsibility and you have to do , not more but a little effort so that it can survive for life time ."

Omi (shockingly ) -" What ? For life time ? "

Sazana murmured in her ears -" Be in character , he is talking about our fake relationship ."

Omi -" Ok , understood Uncle , we will do this candle light dinner , fine ."

Uncle -" Good ,that's like my daughter ."

After the exit of uncle .

Sazana -" Forget about all this , your uncle is gone . Now focus on tomorrow's training ."

Omi (tired mood ) -" But tomorrow is my college and I never bunk it . "

Sazana -" So , who is telling you that we are going to bunk college , I have many other ways to make you training even in college ."

Omi -" But how ? "

Sazana -" It's none of your business . Eat dinner and go to sleep . "