Trouble is gone ?

Next morning , alarm rang and it was 7:00 am , Omi opened her eyes . She tried to be happy because her troublemaker Sazana is gone .

After getting ready , she went for the college . When she entered in college , all students one by one saying her good morning .

She understood that because of yesterday's incident all were scared till now .

Danny arrived in college and called Omi -" Hey , Omi ."

She turned around and said -" Hey Danny , how are you ? "

Danny ( in joyful mood ) -" I am absolutely fine . By the way where is your crazy boyfriend ? "

Omi (sad tone) -" Don't talk about him , he is gone . Now, let's go to the classroom ."

Danny felt that there was something wrong with Omi . He tried to asked her but she always changed the question . After the college , Danny went to Omi's home to met her but she was not there .

And after searching for an hour he found her in the park . Danny -" Hey Omi , what are doing here ? I am searching for you everywhere ."

Omi was not responding to him . Danny ( with a little smile ) -" So , you are worring about Sazana , am I right or not ? "

Omi ( gloomily ) -" Danny , you are my only friend with whom I always share my secrets . So , if I tell you a secret , you will believe me ? "

Danny (politely ) -" Ofcourse , I will believe you , tell me what's the matter ? "

Omi -" First , you tell me , what you think about Sazana ? I mean , you think he is trustworthy person ? "

Danny -" Look Omi , to be honest I always understood people in two or in three meetings....but when I talked Sazana for the first time , I can understand his feelings about you , he is very protective for you . Yesterday in the soccer match , all were cheering for you because Sazana told them . And the most important thing , when you were playing , I looked in his eyes and I understood that he was concerned about you . So , as per my opinion he is little bit strange but a good guy . "

Omi -" Danny , the truth is , he was not my boyfriend , he was my savior . Who came to protect me ."

Danny -" What ? Your savior ? But from whom , he wants to protect you ? "

Omi -" I also don't know but he told me that I have special powers but someone sealed it . So , to unlock the seal I have to reach my extreme strength . "

Danny -" So , if I am not wrong that soccer match was a training for you ."

Omi -" Yes "

Danny -" If he came to protect you then suddenly where he is gone ."

Omi -" I told him to leave because he said that I am not a normal human being but I know that I am nothing but just a simple girl ."

Danny -" So , if you told him to leave then why are you feeling sorry ? "

Omi -" I am not feeling sorry for him ? "

Danny -" Omi , I know you very well , I understand that you are in dilemma . But I have a solution . If Sazana was right and you have special powers then your uncle will surely know something about it ."

Omi ( with a smile ) -" Yes , you are right . Let's go to meet my uncle ."