What is the truth ?

Omi and Danny entered in Uncle Joe's room .

Uncle Joe -" Hey Omi , where were you ? Danny came home to find you . Please my child , atleast inform me before going anywhere ."

Danny babbled to Omi -" Tell your uncle , about Sazana's truth ."

Omi -" Uncle , I want to say something ."

Uncle Joe -" Yes , I am listening ."

Omi -" Uncle , sazana was not my boyfriend ? "

Uncle Joe (with a smile ) -" I know ,I mean I know about your relationship's truth on the very first day ,when you introduced me to Sazana . Your and Sazana's bonding revealed everything about your lie but still I want to saw that how far you both can continue your drama , by the way , where is he ? "

Omi -" I told him to leave . "

Uncle Joe -" But my child , why you did all this ? "

Omi -" Uncle , Sazana said to me that I am not a normal human being and I have special powers which are sealed now . So , we came here to know that what is the truth , Sazana was right or wrong ? "

Joe stunned after hearing Omi' word . He said -" No , my child you are a normal girl , you don't have any special powers , he was just talking non sense . "

Danny interrupted them -" Uncle , why your hands are shivering ? "

Joe managed somehow to stop shivering and told -" It's too late , I think you have to go home , Danny ."

Danny -" Ok , good night Omi ."

By seeing Uncle's strange behaviour Omi doubt that Uncle was surely hiding something .

Omi questioned -" Uncle , you can ignore Danny's questions but not mine , I am sure that you are hiding something , tell me uncle otherwise it will be too late ."

Uncle -" What you mean by too late ? " Omi - " Few days ago , someone kidnapped me and threatened me that he will kill me because I destroyed his life , but the bizarre was that I don't even know that guy and you know what uncle , he had magical powers ."

Uncle ( aggressively ) -" What ? And you are telling me now ? What's wrong with you Omi , if something like this ever happens then you have to tell me , first . "

Omi -" I know Uncle , but my question is , Who were they ? Why they wanted to kill me ? why Sazana always told me that I have powers ? What is the truth , Uncle ? "

Uncle -" Go and sleep in your room ."

Omi -" But Uncle .....? "

Uncle (shouted on her ) -" Omi go to sleep , now ."

Omi opened her eyes next morning and When she went to hall to meet Uncle , she found him dead .

Omi get shocked and shouted -" Uncle , get up and open your eyes ...."

Danny arrived at Omi's home to picked her for college and he listen some noise and entered in the house .

Omi (was in a shock ) -" Danny , please tell Uncle to get up , I won't ask anything to him , please tell him ."

Omi started crying very badly .

Danny -" Who did this Omi ? Tell me , I won't spare him ." Omi ( crying ) -" I don't know ."

Omi shattered because her Uncle was everything to her .