Beginning of the destruction

Omi and Danny did Uncle Joe's funeral with all rituals . They both were trying to found out that who killed Uncle Joe .

After few days when they went to college , they get shocked . The college was burned and there were thousands of students who died in that fire . They asked questions to the teachers and students who luckily survived in the fire but they didn't know anything .

When they get back to Omi 's home , it was burning , they tried to extinguishing fire but failed .

One man with the mask arrived and said to Omi -" This is just a beginning , My lord Zora will destroy your all things which you loved the most and then he will kill you ."

Omi (shouted ) -" Who are you ? "

He suddenly disappeared .

Danny -" What is this happening ? Why someone wants your all beloved to be dead ? "

Omi -" I know this person , he is with that wizards who kidnapped me ."

Danny -" But Omi , what will you do now ? "

Omi (sorrowfully ) -" I lost my everything , I don't know what to do . "

Danny -" My parents are gone for the business tour so you can stay at my home . Let's go ."

When they both were going , the Wizards came and stop them.

Zora ( with devil smile ) -" Where are you going Omi ? I just heard that your house and college are burned , by the way your Uncle was so stupid , I mean before dying he don't even tell you about your real parents , your real family and the most important , your real world . "

Omi -" You are talking rubbish , I know about my parents , family and world ."

Zora -" Your Uncle fooled you ." Danny interrupted them and said -" Stay away form her , we don't talk to strangers ."

Zora -" Who are you to stop me ? Stay away from this matter otherwise I'll kill you . "

Danny -" I will stop you , do what you can ."

Zora attacked on Danny with the dark power spell , but Sazana came and stopped him .

Zora -" Not again , you are always a headache for me . "

Omi -" Sazana , how would you know that I am here ? "

Sazana -" You didn't chose me , so you don't have any right to disowned me . I let you alone for sometimes just to get you realised the importance of my words . "

Zora -" So , let's begin our fight which we couldn't able to complete last time . "

Sazana -" Why did you kill Mr. Joe ? "

Zora (aggressively ) -" Because , I want destroy each and every things which make Omi smile . I want to make her feel hell each every moment in her life untill death ."

Omi -" What ? You killed my Uncle ! I won't spare you alive ( became aggressive ) , you have to pay for this ."

Suddenly Omi lost her control and started destroying everything and using her magical powers .

Seeing all this , Danny questioned -" What is all this ? what is happening with her ? "

Sazana -" Don't need to worry , she is using her powers for the first time , that is why she has no control on it ."

Zora feared after seeing Omi's powers but then he attacked on her . Omi was giving answer of his each and every spell , Zora thought that this not the right time to fight and he left with his subordinates .

Sazana told Omi to keep calm and in few minutes , she fainted on the ground .