Born to be king

Sazana continued the story -" From the childhood everybody told him that one day he will become king and wear the crown like his father , King Julius .

Zora was very arrogant and evil from since childhood . He used to punished innocent dark wizards for his joy but they accept the pain because they knew that one day he will become king and they have to suffer from this pain for life as there was no one who can match his powers .

He was the only child of the King Julius so everyone knows that he born to become a King . By listening again again , Zora become very obsessive that this kingdom and crown is only belongs to him .

When Zora turned eighteen Julius announced that he will do coronation ceremony of his son Zora . Zora became very happy that finally his dream coming true .

Next day , when the coronation ceremony started all the people of the dark wizard kingdom were sad because this was the worst day of their life .

King Julius putted the crown on Zora's head but then everyone get shocked because lighting coming out from that crown and the crown threw Zora badly and didn't accept him as a King .

Zora shouted -" what is all this happening ? "

General Kawahi told -" This can be only happen , when an unworthy person try to wear the crown ! "

King Julius -" But the crown always accept the king's first child as a worthy , so why he is not accepting my son ? "

Zora became very angry and leave the palace . General dismissed the coronation ceremony .

General and King went in the room and discussed the situation .

King Julius said -"Now I understood , why all this happened ." General -" Why , My lord ? " Julius -" You remember , my first wife Mariana , when she left me at that time she was pregnant and when I heard that she is dead I thought that my baby was also dead , but I think it was not true my baby is still alive and that's why the crown didn't accept Zora because he was not my first child and in dark wizard clan only the first child of the King can become worthy for the crown ."

General -" But My lord , what is the proof that your first wife's child is still alive . "

King Julius -" If he was not alive then the Crown should accept Zora but this is not happen that means my first child is alive ."

Zora's subordinate Amiha was listening everything and he went to Zora and told him everything . Zora started searching for the Mariana's child . They searched for the month but didn't find any clue .

King Julius disguised himself and went into the white wizard kingdom for the search of his child and he found Joe's wife who told him everything about Mariana and her daughter and also stated that her husband took his daughter in the human World to kept her safe from this World .

Julius became very happy to listen that his wife Mariana had given birth to a girl child , who has both the white and dark wizard powers. He told Joe's wife not the tell this secret to anyone as he knew that his son Zora will not spare his daughter if he know the truth .

When he came back to his palace , Zora confronts Julius and asked him -" Where were you my great father ? "

Julius -" Nothing , just went to take some fresh air ."

Zora ( smiling ) -" Don't make me fool , father , I know you went to find my step mother's child , right ? Now tell me where is he ? "

Julius -" I don't know ."

Zora -" You know father , that you can't defeat me because my power is much more than your thoughts , so I can easily kill you . "

Julius -" You can kill me but you will never become king and do whatever you can but I will never tell you about my daughter ."

Zora -" So , now I understand , my step sister is my enemy . Ok if you don't tell me than I will kill each and every people of this kingdom and you will be responsible for the death of all , understood ."