Brother or a enemy ?

Julius was in a predicament and he know that his son will definitely do what he said . So , he told everything about her daughter to Zora .

After hearing the story , Omi understood the whole situation that why Zora wants to kill her ? What was the secret that Uncle was hiding ?

Danny -" Omi , are you ok ? " Omi ( shattered after knowing that her brother wants to kill her ) -" Give me only one reason , why I have to be ok ? Sazana , If I tell my brother that I don't want the crown , I only want a family then he will stop doing all this ?"

Sazana -" No Omi , I won't allow you to do this so . "

Omi -" Why ?"

Danny support Omi's words and said -" If by doing this , Zora can stop doing this destruction then Why not ? "

Sazana -" You both don't know one thing that at the time of the formation of Wizard world , Dark wizard king gave cursed to all the White wizard because of the injustice happened with his clan , that their 100th descendant will born with immense powers and he will do the destruction of the White Wizards , and that 100th descendant is Zora . So , if you handover your crown to him still nothing will change because he is born for the destruction ."

Danny asked -" Do Zora know this truth ? "

Sazana -" No he don't ? "

Omi ( doubt on Sazana) -" Then how would you know that Zora is the 100th descendant of the Dark wizards ? "

Sazana -" You told me to tell everything about Zora not me and the most important thing is that , you don't need to know about me."

Danny -" But....(Omi stopped him ) "

Omi -" Let it go Danny ,if he said then he will never tell us . But the question is , if he is born for the destruction then how would I stop him ? "

Sazana -" To stop this untoward and to the save the world from the 100th descendant of Dark Wizard World , a blessed child will born with both the powers of Dark and white Wizard World and that blessed child is you , Omi ."

Danny ( confused ) -" The question is still the same , how would you know about all this ? "

Sazana ( angrily )-" I don't like to repeat one thing again and again . "

Danny -" Ok "

Sazana -" Omi , what are you thinking ? "

Omi -" I don't want how to react on this situation , my Uncle who was like my father was originally had no relation with me and he abandoned his family and spend his almost half life just to save to me and give me a better life , and l lost him . Now I come to know that I have a brother and he wants Nothing to me but to kill me , and the worse part is that it is my duty to kill him ."

Sazana (taunting her ) -" So , what you want to do ? You have the responsibility to save the whole Wizard World and if you don't do so , then your so called brother will destroy it .How irresponsible and emotional fool you are , that you are still crying for that monster ."

Danny (aggressively ) -" How cruel you are rather then giving her sympathy you are taunting her for being emotional .(shouted on Sazana ) What if you lost your most precious thing ? "

Sazana -" I already lost my all precious things , so don't play emotional game with me . It's time to be practical . Omi , if you don't kill him then he will kill you , now choice is yours ."

Omi (wiped her tears ) -" I decided , I will fight with Zora no matter what relation he has with me . "

Sazana murmured -" That's what I wanted to hear . "

Sazana told to Omi -" So , from tomorrow onwards we will start our training . "