Ice training

In the morning , Danny wake up .He searched for the Ominata and Sazana .

When he was searching , he found a letter .

Letter was written by Omi to Danny -" For the first session of training , Sazana and I going Iceland ,we are not including you because it's a dangerous mission . I know it will take time but I promise you I will come back soon .Good bye my friend ."

Danny -" No Omi , I can't accept that you gone with the person who don't even reveal his identity . After Uncle Joe , you are not only my friend but my responsibility , I am coming for you ."

Sazana and Omi arrived in the Iceland and started the training .

Sazana said -" Be prepared Omi , this time the training is going to be more tough . "

Omi -" Don't worry , this time I will do my best . "

Sazana ordered Omi to clean all the snow on the ground in the diameter of 100 metres .

Omi (shockingly ) -" Look Sazana , I told you that I will follow your orders but cleaning snow of the ground ? As you can see the snow is continuously falling so if I try to clean then in just a minute it will again spread on the ground ."

Sazana -" It's not my problem , take your time and complete the training . "

Omi -" Ok "

Omi was cleaning the snow whole day but the snowing was continuous and she started getting tired but then to she carry on her work .

Sazana laughed and said -" What are you doing Omi , if you do like this then it will take to finish atleast five to ten years ."

Omi -" But you said to clean it so I am doing ? "

Sazana (continuosly laughing ) -" You always calling me a jerk but in reality , you are a bigger jerk than me . I mean I said you to clean the snow with your powers and you are doing with the broom ."

Omi ( frustrated tone ) -" If I can use my powers then Why the hell I need to do all this ? "

Sazana -" Hmm , you have a point but the only way to clean this snow is to use your powers otherwise we can't able to do the next phase of our training . "

Omi -" Ok "

She was continuosly trying to awaken her powers but she failed .

Sazana shouted -" First of all keep calm your mind , and only focus on your powers . "

Omi -" I got it . "

Now Omi tried to do what Sazana said but then to nothing happened . So she tried again again .

In the night Danny arrived in that place , and asked Sazana -" Where is Omi ? "

Sazana was eating and was ignoring his question .

Danny repeated the question for ten to fifteen times and then Sazana said -" She is doing practice ."

Danny -" What ? But it's , 10:00 pm ." Sazana -" So what ? Training is training .By the way , you want to eat something ? "

Danny was angrily staring at him .

Sazana -" Don't look at my food It's mine , if you want to eat then go to the kitchen you will find some food there ."

Danny aggressively asked -" How can you be so selfish ? She is doing practice in the snowing night and you are having a dinner in this cottage . "

Sazana (calmly ) -" You are a very noisy person , see your friend is really trying to concentrate and you are doing nothing but irritating me , take some lesson from her ."

Danny -" Just shut up ! what you think by doing all this Omi will get her powers ?"

Sazana smiled -" Ofcourse ."

Danny -" Ok fine , you seat here and I am going to take her back ."

And then he left .

Danny asked Omi -" Why are you doing all this , now I clearly understood that he just making you fool ."

Omi -" You have any better plan to defeat Zora ? If not then please don't interrupt me and go back to your home ."

By seeing the determination of Omi , Danny became silent and went back into the cottage .

Sazana taunted him -" So , where is your friend ? I can't see her ."

Danny -" Don't act smart , I just wished that her motto complete as soon as possible ."

Sazana was also worried about Omi but he didn't show his feelings to Danny .