A new Savior ?

Zora beaten Sazana very badly and Omi tried to protect him but she thrown away by the just one power punch of Zora .

They all were fighting and suddenly Sazana saw the army of White Wizards . They all came and started fighting with the army of Dark Wizards .

Some of the White wizards made barriers around Omi and said to her -" Princess , you don't need to worry , we are here to take you back in the Wizard World safely . "

Omi thought -" Why they are calling me Princess , the truth that I am the true worthy for the Dark wizard crown is known to Zora , my father and Sazana . So , who are all this to protect me ? "

she added -" I don't know them but if they are my savior than I am praying that they are not like Sazana . "

All the White Wizards were giving fierce competition to the Dark Wizards . The powers of White Wizard General Samantha was dominating Zora's power .

After a long fight , Zora again set back from the fight and decided to complete the fight next time .

Sazana was badly injured and Omi told him to take bed rest but he refused .

The General of White Wizard Samantha told Omi -" Princess , first of all I introduce you myself , my name is Samantha and I am the General of White Wizard army ."

Sazana questioned -" So what you want from her ? And the second thing , why are calling her Princess ? "

Samantha said -" Very soon , Princess Omi will going to become the queen of White Wizard kingdom so that's why we arrive here to take her in Wizard World . "

Omi shocked -" But Sazana said that I am the worthy for the crown of Dark Wizard kingdom ! Then how can l become worthy of White Wizard crown ? "

Samantha -" My princess , Your grandfather and our White Wizard king Nozel had only one daughter , your mother princess Mariana and you are her only descendant and our next 'Queen' ."

Omi questioned -" But how can I wear both crowns ? "

Samantha -" You don't need to worry Princess , I am your savior , I will safely take you to the Wizard World and then we will do your coronation ceremony ."

Sazana interrupted -" She is not going anywhere . "

Samantha -" Who the hell are you , to stop the Princess ? "

Sazana -" I am her savoir ."

Samantha -" I saw you in the battlefield , and you were so weak that you didn't even able to protect yourself so how can I expect from you that you will protect our Princess ! "

Sazana -" It was just a strategy to make Omi fight but you spoiled all the the plan by interrupting in the battle . "

Then they both started debating and doing fighting for Omi's protection .