A hope for the Wizard World

Samantha said to Sazana -" You were our Princess's savior for only that much time untill we didn't arrived . Now , Princess Omi is my responsibility . I will take care of her ."

Sazana -" It's not about to kept her safe , it's about to make her strong so that in future she can stop the untoward which is going happen in Wizard World . "

Samantha was not knowing the truth that Omi has two Wizard powers as the King Nozel was also knowing half truth .

King Nozel only knew that his daughter gave birth to a girl child and she is in the Human World . When Dark Wizard king Julius and Joe's Wife were secretly talking at that time King Nozel's soldier heard the half conversation .

King Nozel asked his soldier about the husband of his daughter Mariana but he didn't know about that person . So , Samantha was also knew the half truth .

She asked Sazana -" What will going to happen in future ? How our Princess is related to that untoward ? "

Sazana -" Dark Wizard Prince Zora is the 100th descendant of the Dark Wizards ."

Samantha -" What ? So the story I heard in the childhood was not a myth , it's true that one day 100th descendant of the Dark Wizards will going to destroy the Whole White Wizard Clan and I also heard that to stop this , a blessed child of Lord Mathew will born in the Wizard World . But what is relation of Our Princess to that matter ? "

Sazana -" To stop this untoward , Omi is born ! "

Samantha ( become happy ) -" What ? Our Princess is that blessed child ! "

Sazana -" Yes . But there is one problem ."

Samantha -" what's the problem ? "

Sazana - " Someone sealed her powers ."

Samantha -" I know who did it . "

Omi questioned -" Who ? "

Samantha -" Princess , when you were born , your powers were uncontrollable . So that's why your mother sealed that with her remaining powers so that in human world you can live as a normal human being and after sealing your powers she died . "

Omi ( disheartened ) -" Everyone sacrificed for me ! My Uncle , my mother , my father and my grandfather . I don't know how would I repay their sacrifices ."

Sazana ( politely ) -" By protecting the innocents . Omi , Zora is not aware of his true powers so we have still time to kill him otherwise if he realised his true powers and know about the purpose of his birth then it will not only harmful for White Wizards but he will also destroy the Dark Wizards . And you are the only who can match his powers . So , don't get discourage , we have to stop him no matter what we have to do for that , got it . "

Samantha -" For the first time , I agree with him . Princess , you are the last hope of the Wizard World ."

Sazana -" So now , you will not take Omi with you ? "

Samantha smiled and said -" You don't need to be more ambitious , I will take Princess to the Wizard World and there , I will help her to become a warrior . "

Sazana -" No , I will not allow you . Omi will take training in this World and when she succeed in awakening her powers aftet than she will enter in Wizard World , understood ."

Samantha (shouted on him ) -" Who are you to giving me permission ? I will take Princess with me . Do what you can. "

Omi interrupted their conversation -" Stop it, you both don't need to do fight for me , I have decided that you both will train me first in this world and when I really become stronger then I will go in the Wizard World ."

Sazana came near to Omi and said -" You are Princess for them not for me , so don't try to give me orders otherwise next time your tasks could be more dangerous than ever before ."

Omi slowly said - " You are such a goon . I hate you ."

Samantha asked -" What you both are talking ? "

They both answered at a time -" Nothing " .