Trouble is double !

Samantha said to Omi -" Princess , if you want to stay here then it's your decision and I have to obey it . But for your protection I have to be with you all the time ."

Sazana said -" I don't allow you to stay in my cottage . "

Samantha -" I also don't want to stay in your hut . "

Sazana shouted -" It's not hut , it's a cottage ! "

Omi interrupted -" Samantha , but I have not any other place to stay rather than this hu.... I mean cottage , if you want to be with me than you have to live here."

Sazana taunted Samantha -" So now , what will you do ? Want to go back or to stay in my 'Hut' ."

Samantha ( in rude tone) -" I preferred to stay out of the cottage . "

Omi requested her again again but she refused . In the late night , Danny saw a girl seated on the bench and went to meet her .

He asked -" In this snowing , what are you doing outside ? Go home . "

Samantha replied -" Get out of here , I don't wanna talk to you ."

Danny -" Why are you being so rude , I am just saying that if you don't have any shelter then you can stay in this cottage ."

Samantha -" I will die but I won't take shelter in this hut . Now , get lost ."

Danny saw that the girl was not feeling cold , so he left but then he suddenly came back to her and gave her a blanket and pillow and said politely -" I know you are very strong but I will be thankful if you accept it . "

Samantha thinking in mind -" He is totally opposite from that weird guy Sazana ."

Samantha said slowly -" Thank you ."

In the next morning Sazana took Omi again on that glacier side and told her to complete the training .

Omi asked -" I won't able to break this mountain . You don't have any other easy training for me ? "

Sazana -" Look Omi , we are not playing any game . We need to awaken your powers as soon as possible , and this is the last time I am telling you this information , next time if you dare to ask the same question I will double your training hours . "

Omi -" Ok , I got it . "

They were going to start the training but Samantha arrived and told -" Stop it , Princess this training is so easy for you and it doesn't match your level . "

Omi think in mind -" I think she will going give me the training of my match (easy ) . "

Omi said to Sazana -" If you don't mind Sazana for this day only , I want to perceive her training , I hope you don't mind ? "

Sazana knew that Samantha's word meaning was to give more tough training to Omi . So , he said -" Yes , Ofcourse , I won't interfere in your training. Go ahead ."

Samantha smilingly said to Omi -" Princess , this one mountain is too easy for you . I know you can easily break it . So Princess , I want to give you a task to break all the mountain of this area in just one shot . "

Omi become stunned after hearing the training .

Sazana murmured in Omi's ears - " Wow ! what an easy training ! Enjoy your day ."

Samantha -" Come on Princess , you can do it . "

Omi babbled -" I don't have any other option , I think this day is the last day of my life . "

Omi said to Samantha - " I am ready ."

Omi was trying whole day but couldn't able to break one mountain . Samantha was encouraging Omi continuously . Sazana was sitting on a chair and having a tea in the cold atmosphere .

After seeing that Omi was not able to break only one mountain , Samantha understood that she needs to do something else to awaken her powers .

Samantha said -" Stop Princess ,we will continue tomorrow ."

Omi (regretted tone ) " I am sorry , I don't know what is happening with me ."

Samantha -" It's ok Princess . It's not your fault ,Your powers are sealed by Our Kingdom's one of the best Warrior and your mother Mariana .You don't know Princess but your mother was a very powerful women . So , it's obvious to break the seal which she made on you , it's not a easy task . "