A truth revealation

After defeating from White Wizards , Zora went back in the Wizard World . He was thinking what to do .

His servant Amiha said -" I want to say something , My lord . "

Zora -" Go ahead ."

Amiha -"My lord , I think your father is still hiding something related to your birth . "

Zora -" How would you know that he is hiding something ?"

Amiha -" My lord , I heard them talking with the priest . he was saying to the priest -' You were right about my son's birth prediction , if at that time I had believed you then this day never comes . ' ."

Zora -" What ? So , my great old father still thinks that he can fool me . First of all , we have to find out what he is hiding ."

Amiha -" But how will we find the truth ? "

Zora -" Go and search the priest who had made prediction of my future at the time of my birth . "

Amiha -" As you wish My lord ."

After two days Amiha founded the priest and took him in front of Zora . The priest told all the truth to Zora . After knowing the truth , Zora killed the priest .

Amiha said( smiling) -" My lord , Your real powers are much more than the powers that you have at the present ."

Zora -" You are right and now I know the purpose of my life so I am taking oath that the one day I will destroy all the White Wizards and if someone come across my path then I will destroy him . "

Amiha -" But , there is one person who has powers to stop you , your sister Ominata ."

Zora (shouted ) -" She is not my sister , she is my enemy and I will kill her one day . Just because of her I lost the crown of the King , I won't spare her alive ."

Amiha -" But My lord you have to do something quickly because Sazana and Samantha both are giving training to her and if she awaken her powers then it will be very difficult to defeat her . "

Zora -" For upgrading my powers , I am going to do a tough practice and when I come back at that time I will be the most strongest Wizard of the World ."

Zora went for the practice to become more stronger and on the other hand , King Julius was informed that his son knew all the truth .

In the White Wizard kingdom , King Nozel was waiting for her granddaughter .

Suddenly a soldier came and inform him -" Majesty , I come to inform you that Princess Ominata is not coming . She will take training in the human world and after the completion of her training , she will come in Wizard World ."

King Nozel -" Where is General Samantha ? "

Soldier -" She is with the Princess to take care of them . "

King Nozel -" But Which training is Princess taking in that World ? "

Soldier -" I don't know Majesty . "

King Nozel was becoming Old and there were no one who can take his seat except her granddaughter .