A new team member

As per the instructions of Sazana and Samantha , Omi was doing training everyday but her powers were not rising .

After the training , Omi was sitting silently on the bench . Sazana came and seat besides her .

Omi thought that he came to talk . But he was silently seated besides her.

After sometime Omi questioned -" You want to say something ?"

Sazana -" No , but I know that you want to say something to me . I am listening , tell Omi what you are thinking ? "

Omi again became silent .

After seeing this , All of a sudden Sazana hugged her tightly . Omi ask ( shockingly ) -" What you are doing ? "

Sazana ( By hugging her ) -" I know you are sad but it will help you to feel better ."

In Sazana arms , Omi literally feeling better than before .

Sazana asked -" What's the problem ? "

Omi - " I am doing everything to awaken my powers but then to I always disappoint myself , Samantha and especially you . "

Danny was seeing all the view and he took the pictures of both of them without knowing anyone .

Suddenly Omi think -" What I am doing ? " And she pushed Sazana .

Sazana also felt wierd what he was doing .Omi said -" What you were doing ? "

Sazana -" I didn't do anything , you are the one who cling me . "

Omi ( annoying tone ) -" What ? You were the one who hugged me and now you are blaming me ? "

Sazana changed the topic -" You are always like that only , first of all you do everything and then blamming others . By the way I come to inform you that we are going back to your home town , pack your bags . And the most important thing , pack that idiot Danny also in the bag so that in the way he don't irritate me . "

Omi laughed at his words and after seeing her laughing Sazana also started laughing . By taking a flight they all arrived in Omi and Danny's hometown.

Danny asked - " But where do we all stay ? "

Sazana smiled and answered -" We all will stay in your house . "

Danny -" What ? But What will I told to my parents ? "

Samantha -" I agree with this wierd guy , we will stay in your house untill the training of Princess is not completed ."

Omi -" No , I have said clearly earlier that Danny will not involve in our planning . So , I decided that we will stay at that abandoned palace . "

Danny -" What you mean by you don't involve me ? "

Omi -" I mean , from now I am going with them and you are going back to your home . "

Danny - " No Omi , I am not going anywhere . You are doing very dangerous thing and I know I don't have any magical powers but until my last breathe I will be with you . After Uncle , you have no one who can take care of you . So I'll be with you . "

Omi -" Why don't you understand , after Uncle I don't want to lose you . Please go Danny , I request you . "

Samantha said to Danny -" My Princess order you to leave so why are you still standing . Follow the orders otherwise ... "

Omi stopped her and said -" please don't interrupt it's my matter . "

Samantha -" Ok , Princess ."

Sazana was standing apart from them as he don't want to involve in anything except Omi's training .

After a big conversation , Danny finally left .

Sazana , Omi and Samantha arrived in the palace . Samantha -" This is a palace or junk yard , Princess how will you manage to stay in this dirty place ."

Omi - " Don't worry , earlier I have experience how to live here , right Sazana ? "

Sazana ( aggressively ) -" We don't have any other place , so keep your mouth shut . "

They all were doing conversation and then a unknown person arrived in the palace . Samantha asked -" Who are you ? "

Unknown person pointed towards Sazana and said -" Ask my big brother , he will tell you everything . "

Samantha -" Sazana , he is your brother ? " Sazana -" Yes , he is my younger brother Barak , but what he is doing here ? "

Barak (smilingly ) -" I come to join your mission to protect our wizard world . "

Omi ( happily ) -" My name Ominata , you can call me Omi . Nice to meet you . "

Sazana shouted -" Shut up . This is not a game , go home I don't need you . "

Barak -" But brother...."

Sazana -" I said go back ."

Omi calmly said to Sazana -" Don't shout on him , tell him politely he will understand . "

Barak said to Omi slowly - " He always shout on me . "

Omi Said -" On me also . " They both started laughing .

Samantha told to Sazana -" He is not a child , if he wants to help you then atleast give him one chance to prove himself . "

Sazana -" How would you so sure that he can help us ? "

Samantha -" In my family I am the younger one but then to I was selected as General not my elder brother so I thought you have to give him a chance . "

Sazana - " Ok Barak , you can stay with us . "

Barak -" Thank you big brother . "