Suspicious things

After the entry of new member in the team , all were cooking food because they were very hungry . But Samantha was sitting on a sofa and doing nothing .

Sazana saw her and said -" If you want to eat then first do some work with us ."

Samantha -" I don't know how to cook so shut up and do your work ."

Sazana -" So , what you think ? We all are born chefs ? Work with us otherwise we will not give you food . "

Omi -" If she doesn't want to cook then why are you forcing her , let her do whatever she wants . "

Sazana said to Omi -" Don't take her side , she is nothing but a trouble for us . "

Samantha shouted loudly -" Jealous jealous jealous ."

Sazana went near to Samantha and asked her -" Why would I jealous of you ? "

Samantha ( Smilingly )-" Because Princess is taking my side not yours that's why ."

Sazana (irritating tone ) -" What rubbish are you talking ? "

Samantha -" I am not talking rubbish , last night I saw both of you , so don't act too smart . "

Sazana -" So, What ? I am making her mood light so that's why I hugged her , that's it . "

Samantha -" Don't make me fool ,I know you like Princess , so if you want my mouth to be shut then never ever give me orders , understood ."

Sazana -" You are talking nonsense and I will give you orders which you have to follow , do whatever you want . "

Samantha -" Ok . Princess , Sazana like ...."

Sazana interrupted and said randomly -" I like to cook food , nothing else ."

Samantha -" So , Deal done or not ? "

Sazana (frustrated ) - " Ok done "

Omi and Barak were staring at them and thinking what they were talking to each other .

After sometimes they started the dinner but suddenly Omi's plate fell on the ground and all the food spread on the ground .

When they were cleaning the food there was a rat who died after eating that food . Sazana understood that someone mixed Poison in Omi's food .

When Samantha smell the poison she came to know that the poison is from the Wizard World ,which is used to kill the wizards as the normal poison wouldn't able to kill the powerful wizards .

Omi shockingly said -" But all the time I was in the kitchen if someone came and mixed poison then it is not possible becuase there were no one except I , Barak and Sazana . "

Sazana understood that there is someone from their enemy who knows their location and all of sudden he remembered something and asked Barak - "Barak , how would you know that I am here ? Who told you that I am exactly in this place ? "

Samantha also asked -" Yes , Barak who told you about your brother's location because when we are coming here Sazana tell us that no wizards can track this place as he had earlier made barrier allover the palace . Then how would you know about this palace ? "

Barak was silent . Omi saw innocence in Barak face and she protected him by saying -" May be he is good Wizard and he knew how break the magical barrier and after that he track his brother's location . "

Barak immediately said -" Yes , she is right , I broke the barrier . "

Barak was hiding something , Sazana and Samantha both were understanding that there was something wrong but Omi thought that Barak was just teenage boy who wanted to stay with his brother .