A Concern

Sazana was still confused how to awaken Omi's powers quickly , but there was a more important question which tensed him .

He was knowing that after defeating from them , Zora will definitely do something bigger for which they have to be prepared .

He was in a anxiety , What to do becuase Omi's nature was so childish , she believed in everyone easily and Sazana wanted that Omi become strong , confident and especially alert for everything .

Omi was a soft hearted girl and this would be her greatest weakness in the battle against his brother Zora . So , he decided that from next time , he will be more rude to Omi .

Omi was thinking whole night -" Sazana is always being rude to me but he never hurts me . He is little bit wierd but when I become sad he always come to cheer up my mood and make me smile . I have decided from tomorrow I will be little polite with him . "

In the morning , Omi was sleeping . Sazana came and he pushed Omi from the bed and harshly said -" Get up , it's time for the workout . Ready in fifteen minutes . "

Omi shouted -" What are you doing ? You can also wake me up nicely , how dare you to kick me from the bed ."

Sazana (ignoring her words ) -" Get ready , we are heading on the ground for the training ." Omi -" O God , What's wrong with this guy ? Sometimes he care for me and he sometimes kick me . I don't understand what is all this happening in my life ! "

When Omi and Sazana were going for the training , Samantha stopped Barak from going as she said he wants to converse with him , they both stayed at home .

After the couple of the minutes Samantha questioned Barak -" What you want ? Who sent you ? Tell me truth "

Barak ( acting like he didn't know anything ) -" What are you talking about ? No one sent me , I came to help my brother . "

Samantha was clearly understanding that he was lying so instead of asking politely she threatened him by saying -" I will give you one minute , tell me everything and I will let you go but if you dare to say lie then I will kill you and trust me Barak you don't have an idea about my powers ! "

Barak was knowing her nature so he immediately opened the mouth and tell everything -" I came with the intension to kill Omi . "

Samantha -" I know that , tell me something which I don't know . "

Barak -" What do you think Only Zora wants to kill Omi ? No General Samantha , there are many more Wizards who wants to kill Omi . Not only in the Wizard World but Omi's enemies are also in this human world ."

Samantha ( in a big shock )-" What at you talking ? But who wants kill Princess other than Zora ? And why ? "

Barak -" Many years ago , in the search of Omi , Few Wizards were came in this world but Omi's powers were sealed that's why they didn't able to find her but now Omi's magical powers are started awakening .So , they all are following Omi but because of my big brother they are not getting chance to kill her . "

Samantha -" But who are they ? Whom orders are they following ? "

Barak -" I don't know about that person who sent them . They just told me if I help them then they will not harm my brother and my family . That's it , I revealed everything to you that I was knowing ."

Samantha -" Get out from this place right now , otherwise if your brother come to know that you had mixed poison in Omi's food then he won't spare you . "

Barak left the palace and Saying to Samantha -" Now , I am weak so you are threatening me , but one day I will make you suffer a lot , remember my words ."

Then Barak left .

Samantha was thinking what to tell Omi and Sazana about Barak becuase she didn't wanted to revealed the truth now as there were many problems which has to be sought out first . So , she decided not to tell the truth of Barak to anyone before the right time .