A Concern - 2

From morning to till evening Sazana was giving Omi a tough training . In the training , Omi was badly injured still Sazana was not giving her leave .

Omi was aslo confused with the nature of Sazana as he was totally being rude , arrogant and insensitive from the morning .

After the training , Omi was not in a condition of walking as she needs a medical care and she thought -" Training is over , I am sure that Sazana will not let me go home in this condition and like earlier days he will take me in his lap . "

By thinking this ,Omi was smiling . Sazana came near to Omi and told -" Let's go home ."

Omi ( stopped him and said ) -" I am not in a condition to walk on my legs ."

For the seconds , Sazana thought to carry Omi in his lap but suddenly he realised and said -" This life is yours , if you fall then you have to get up by your own , never ever depend on anyone . No one will going to live with you for whole life except yourself and this is your lesson for today . Now get up and walk , no matter how hard it will be but remember one thing I can only show you a way but I can't walk with you for a longer time, you have to complete your journey by your own . Remember it . "

Omi asked -" What you mean that you don't walk with me for a longer time ? "

Sazana and Omi both were looking at each other and became silent for sometimes .

Sazana control his feelings and break eye contact with Omi and said -" Nothing , I was just giving an example that no one can live with you for the whole life . That's it . "

Omi somehow managed to walk and they arrived at palace . Sazana was looking for Barak . Omi searched for Samantha . Barak and Samantha both were not in the palace .

Samatha was going to find some clue about that secret enemy Who sent Barak. Omi and Sazana searched the whole palace and after the couple of hours Samantha arrived in the palace .

" Where were you ? " Omi asked to Samantha .

"Where is Barak ? " Sazana added .

Samantha said -" He is gone . "

Sazana -" But where ? "

After little silence She spoke -" I don't know , he said that he has some important work to do . "

Omi -" Ok , so Barak is gone for some work but where were you all the time ? "

Sazana found Samantha suspicious and he questioned -" Tell us , where were you ? "

Samantha -" I was doing my work and I don't think that it's my duty to give you answers . "

Sazana -" Ok , so you are not answerable to me but what about Omi ? "

Omi was continuosly staring at Samantha and she felt that Samantha's behaviour and tone were changed so she said ( with sympathy ) -" I don't want to ask you any question , whenever you feel that you need to tell me something you can tell without any hesitation . "

And then Omi went in her room . Sazana entered in Omi's room and asked her -" Why you let her go ? I am hundred percent sure she is hiding something very important . "

Omi -" I know she is hiding something but at the same time she looked tensed . And for my opinion if Someone is worried then we don't have to force him to tell the truth but to give him a space . In the same way , we have to give her a space and when she become comfortable she will definitely tell us everything ."

Sazana was not agreed with Omi's word and he said -" She came in the human World for the first time then how could you believe that she has some important work in this unknown World ! I will find out what she is hiding . "