Mysterious man

The whole Wizard World was looking like a graveyard .

Danny questioned -" This is your Wizard World or accidentally we entered in the hell ? "

Sazana was in a shocked and he said -" I can't believe this is my world , when I left this place it was heaven but now it's looking hell . "

Samantha -" Who did this ? "

They asked a Wizard who was running for his life .

He said -" Dark Wizard Zora and his subordinates destroy everything . " And then he left .

Sazana -" The most important question , where is Omi ? What she was doing here for two months ? "

When they were doing discussion . A mysterious Wizard suddenly came and told them to hide from the soldiers .

Sazana asked him - " Why ? "

The mysterious Wizard said -" Don't ask anything just do what I said .Trust me I am your friend . "

They all hid from the soldiers . After the exit of the soldiers , they all were asking -" what is going on here ? "

The mysterious Wizard said -" Follow me , I will tell you everything but firstly we have to go on a safe place . "

They all followed him . The mysterious Wizard said -" Now , you can ask me anything , start ."

Danny after doing a long run -" I only want a glass of water ." All were staring at him .

He added - " What ? We will do our conversation after drinking water also . "

" First introduce yourself , who are you ? " Said Sazana .

The mysterious Wizard - " My name is Cyrus . I know all of you .(then he pointed finger on everyone by one by one ) Danny , Samantha and Sazana . "

Samantha -" We are meeting you for the first time so how could you know our names ? "

" This is nothing , I also know that you came here to find Omi and you all are Wizard except Danny . " said Cyrus .

Danny excitedly asked -" If you know all this , then you definitely know about Omi . "

" No " discouragely said Cyrus . He added -" I met her fourty days ago in the Dark Wizard Kingdom..... after the completion of that deadly war I don't know where she gone . "

" What you mean by deadly War ? Fourty days ago what was happened here ? " eagerly asked Sazana .

Cyrus said -" Before knowing about the War , I have to tell you something more important . "

Danny -" What ? "

" I am the son of general Kiwaha and I know you all hate him ." Said Cyrus .

Samantha questioned -" If you are the son of Kiwaha then why are you helping us . " Danny agreed to Samantha .

" I am not like my father , he wanted to kill the family of Julius so that he can became the superior and rule on the Dark Wizards . " said Cyrus .

Sazana asked -" What you mean by he wanted ? " Cyrus ( sorrowfully ) -" He is dead. "

Samantha -" What ? ... But he wants to kill King Julius's family then who killed him ? "

" Zora " said Cyrus .

He added -" I have to tell you a another important thing ."

Sazana -" What ? "

Cyrus -" King Julius is ... "

Sazana -" King Julius what ? Tell us , what happened with him ? "

" King Julius is dead . " Cyrus answered .