A last hope

"If King Julius is dead then where is Omi ? Why didn't she come back after her father's death ? " asked Danny .

Sazana answered -" Because she had told if she unable to save her father then she will never come back . "

Samantha -" But you said Princess power's were more than Kiwaha so how it's possible that she couldn't able to defeat him . "

Cyrus interrupted her and said -" Ominata defeated my father with her powers but King Julius ....." "But what ? " asked Samantha .

Sazana told Cyrus to reveal the whole things in detail.

Cyrus -" When Ominata arrived in this World , she was not knowing where to go . I met her after sometimes and she asked me about the King Julius's palace . At that time I was not knowing that my father was going to betrayed King Julius . I told her the path of palace but I found that she was not like us , her clothing , attitude and accent all were different .

I was wondering what she wants from King Julius so I asked her . Ominata didn't tell me more but she was saying that King Julius was in a big trouble and she wanted to save him .

l told her that if she wanted to save King Julius then she can do trust on me as I took her to King Julius very easily . She believed on my words and told me everything . But at that time I don't believe her because she was telling that my father wanted to kill King Julius .

I refused to help her and said her to go back in the human World and that was my biggest mistake . I clearly remember what she said When I refused to help her - "One day , you will regret for your decision but at that it will be too late . " And that words came true .

One day King Julius were alone went for the outing and suddenly the soldiers arrived and captured him . My father , General Kiwaha arrived and King thought that he came to rescue him but they get the big shock when they come to know that his general was his biggest foe .

I tried to stop my father but my father was crazy for the Crown and the Kingdom . Soldiers attacked on King Julius and before I do anything Ominata came to rescue her father .

At that point of time , King Julius was not knowing the truth of Omi .

My father asked her -" Who are you ? Why do you want to save him ? Answer me otherwise I will kill you ." " You betrayed Royal family , For you I am your death , escape if you can . " Omi angrily answered .

For the first time I saw Omi's powers and I get shocked that Omi can used both White and Dark Wizards powers . She solely handled the soldiers and My father .

The fight was only going on , in the one place but after that a sudden attack came and hit my father on chest and he died on the spot . When we looked upward it was Zora .

King Julius thought that Zora changed himself and he came to rescue him . This time the powers of Zora were not as before , he arouse his all powers and become unbeatable .

Zora destroyed all the soldiers and ended the Fight . King Julius proudly went near to Zora and hugged him . Then King Julius asked to Omi about her identity .

She was going to tell the truth but before that Zora kill his father from the back . Omi shouted and went near to the King .

In the last breathe of King , Omi told them ( crying ) -" I am your daughter . Please father don't go I need you , please ."

King Julius became happy and he said before dying -" You....you are my daughter .( He putted his hand on her head ) Your powers are immense , you are like your mother . I blessed you my child that one day ( he felt difficulty in talking ) ...one day you will make me proud . " Then he died .

Omi's last hope , her father was died in front of her eyes . She was not crying , looked like that her emotions were dead with his father's death .

That devil Zora mocked his father death by saying -" Just because of this so called father I was not able to became King . He was the one who sent Sazana to protect this Ominata . If he didn't sent Sazana for her help then I killed Ominata for the first time I saw her . "

Zora was laughing loudly and taunting Omi -" What happened Omi ? You came to rescues your so called father . I don't understand one thing , you never saw him before , you never met him before then why do you came to protect him . You are useless Ominata , you are not capable of protecting your father so how can protect this World from the evil like me . "

Omi was listening all those nonsense words because she thought she is responsible for his father's death .