Where is Omi ?

Cyrus continued -" After King Julius's death , Omi was not in a stable condition . She became uncontrollable at that time . The light and energy of Omi was so big that the whole Dark Wizard kingdom was seeing her powers . Then to Zora tried to attacked Omi and all were thought that Omi could not stand in front of his powers .

Twist in the game , when she dominated Zora's power and made him helpless . At that point of time everyone knew the identity of Omi .

Zora back off for sometimes as he knew that Omi could not hold her powers for more time and when she turned to normal he will captured her .

After the couple of hours Omi fainted on the ground and I took her in my home . Omi regained consciousness after ten days and in ten days everything was changed .

Omi asked me about the situation and I told her to leave this World as soon as possible. She asked me why , I explained her that she was fainted for almost ten days and in ten days Zora killed half of the White Wizards and made prisoners to rest of the White Wizards .

The White Wizards who are living secretly without caught in the eyes of Zora are safe at some place . I also told her that Zora is finding her in the whole Wizard World . Zora's cruelness was on verge he had not only killed White Wizards but he was also killing Dark Wizards who didn't follow his order and not accepting him as new King .

Zora's powers were increasing day by day .

Omi's powers were not extended to match his powers as she was not able to control her extreme powers so I requested her to leave otherwise if Zora finds her then this time he surely kill her but.... "

Sazana asked -" but what ? "

Cyrus -" She refused to go back in the human world and then she left my home . I don't know where she gone . From that day , I am finding Omi yet I couldn't find any trace . "

Samantha questioned -" But what about the White Wizard King Nozel , where is he ? "

" I don't know much about them , as per my thought he will surely be at some safe place as I didn't heard any news of the arrest of the King Nozel . " Cyrus said .

Danny ( worried about Omi ) -" I hope Omi will be safe ."

Sazana -" The whole Wizards World is on verge of destruction . We have to find Omi as soon as possible , she is the only one who can stop this untoward . "

Samantha -" We have to make plan and work accordingly . Our small mistake can put us into the big trouble . "

Danny -" Yes , Zora is not knowing that we all are here . "

Sazana -" Danny , you are not included in this mission , I am going to open the portal . You have to leave now . "

Danny -" Why ? My friend is in danger , I am not going anywhere . "

Cyrus - " Sazana is correct . You don't have any powers , you will make trouble for yourself and for us as well . "

Samantha didn't wanted Danny to go back as she had a soft corner for him. Samantha said -" I thought he can help us to find Princess Omi . "

Sazana asked her -" How he can help us ? Please explain ."

Samantha was staring at Danny as she didn't know what to say , finally she randomly said -" He knows Princess very well . For the one time Princess can refuse us but not to Danny , they both are close friends . "

Sazana murmured -" I know your intentions Samantha , you like Danny and that's why you don't want him to go . "

" You said something ? " asked Samantha . " Nope . " ( taunted tone ) answered Sazana .

Cyrus interrupted their conversation and said -" So , our first priority is to find Omi . "