Omi's come back

Cyrus told to Zora -" My lord , why are talking with this fools , just kill them . If they will die , Ominata will definitely come out . " "Yes , you are right we talked too much , let's get over with this . " said Zora .

Cyrus and Samantha were fighting , Zora and Sazana were fighting but Sazana was badly beaten by the Zora .

In front of the powers of Samantha , Cyrus couldn't able to stand for long time . Samantha tried to protect Sazana but she was thrown away within a minute . Danny was hidden in the corner safely .

Zora attempted many times to kill Danny but Samantha and Sazana both were protecting him .

But the question was how far they will protect Danny and themselves ? They both were trying hard but they were losing their powers and strength , they were not able to survive in front of Zora for long time .

Zora said ( with a devil smile ) -" I am just bored playing games with you , now get ready to die . "

He did a final attacked and after that both were almost near the death . In such a bad condition Sazana was not losing hope as he wanted to fight until his last breathe , by seeing this Samantha also managed to get up in that wounded position .

Zora was laughing loudly on their condition and advise them to bow down in front of him and he will spare them alive . " I preferred to die rather than bowing to down to you. " Sazana answered .

Zora attacked on Sazana ....but this time things get changed when his attacked was coming back to him . All were shocked and looked upward and there was Omi .

Sazana's eyes were in tears seeing Omi after a long time . He was badly injured , When he saw Omi he became relaxed and smiling .

He asked Omi -" Why are you so late ? "

Samantha questioned to Sazana -" You have to thank Princess and you are still blaming her for being late ! You are literally weird guy . "

Zora said - " So finally you arrived to save your useless friends . I don't understand one thing why you and white Wizards are so emotional fools . I mean , if your family or friends are dying then let them die Why you guys always try to protect them by taking risk on your own life ? "

" The person who killed his own father for the sake of the crown will never understand the value of family and friends . " taunted Omi .

Zora get angry and attacked on her . This time Omi was giving tough competition without losing her consciousness . Slowly slowly the battle was turning into the devastating war .

Zora and Omi's powers were on the verge and it's look like the destruction of Wizard World . The fight became so big that King Nozel who was hidden with his kingdom's remaining people could also saw that .

Sazana and others were amazed by seeing Omi's powers . To make Omi weak , Zora tricked Omi by saying -" How can you be so selfish ? I am your younger brother , please forgive me for my sins . I felt very sorry that I killed my own father . please forgive me , big sister . "

After seeing a helpless Zora , Omi stopped attacking on him .

Samantha shouted -" Princess , he is just manipulating with your feelings , don't believe him . "

Zora took the chance and attacked on Omi . She fell on the ground . Zora mocked her and said -" I was right , you are such a emotional fool . How could you believe that I will accept you as my sister ? You are my biggest enemy . I don't have any regret to kill my so called father Julius . He deserved to die , understood ."

By hearing this , Omi attacked on Zora with her full powers .

" That's it , he is gone . " said Sazana .

All get very happy that finally the devil was gone and the curse of the First Dark Wizard is finally finished and now the Wizard World was safe .

Omi and Danny took Samantha and Sazana in the palace for the rest . All the people of Dark and White Wizard were planning for the celebration . King Nozel wants to meet his granddaughter but he was hesitating entering in the Dark Wizard Kingdom .

After curing Samantha and Sazana Omi arrived at the border of White and Dark Wizard Kingdom .

When she saw that King Nozel was not entering in the Dark Wizard Kingdom , she announced in front of all -" This Wizard World was created by only one , the great LORD MATHEWS . We all are descents of him . So , we all are also one . There is no difference between White and Dark Wizards . And I am the alive proof of that because My father was Dark Wizard King Julius and my mother was White Wizard Princess Mariana. You believed that I saved your World , then please believe me if we all come together and despite of fighting with each other we all have to help each other to make a better future ."

King Nozel was agreed with Omi's words and he order the same to his people , he crossed the border and hugged Omi .

Omi was still not believing that Zora is literally gone . At the same time , Sazana was also worried because he sense that there was something very wrong .