A feeling of joy

The whole Wizard World was doing celebration . All were happy that now there was no war and conflict between White and Dark Wizards .

Ominata released all the wizards who are being imprisoned by Zora . After seeing all happy Omi felt that she finally she saved the Wizard World .

After all this , Omi was seating in her room and wondering what to do next .

Sazana came in her room and asked - " So , finally you did it .But what next ? what you have decided ?...You want to stay here and become the first White and Dark Wizard Queen or to leave all this and go back to human World ? "

Omi was not answering his questions . He added -" I was right , you are still thinking about Zora . "

Omi said -" Yes , I don't know but my gut feeling is saying that there is something very dangerous which we are not able to see now . "

" If I told you that I am feeling the same sense of danger then what will you going to do ? " asked Sazana .

" I have not awaken my full power till now . If our gut feelings are right then our future is not safe . " told Omi .

She added -" By the way Sazana , I know about everyone's background around me except you . You never told me about your past and who sent you to protect me in the human World ? "

Sazana answered -" Your father . "

Omi -" What ? "

Sazana -" Yes , When your father came to find you and your mother in the White Wizard Kingdom . As you know that he met to your uncle Joe's wife who told him the whole truth about your mother Mariana . When he was talking to Mr. Joe's wife at that time I was there . "

Omi -" But what you are doing there ? "

" Because the person , you used to say Uncle was my father who left me and my mother just to save you . When I met him after so many years he couldn't able to recognise me . Your father felt that Zora will surely go to human world and trying to kill you , he called me and gave me the responsibility to protect you from your brother . Your father was a Dark Wizard and I was white , then to I helped him because me and my family are loyals of White wizard's from centuries . And he was telling me to save the girl who is the only descendent of King Nozel's throne . So , I decided to came in human World and protect you from Zora . "Sazana said .

Omi shattered after hearing the truth that her father was the one who sent the Sazana .

" He saved me but I was unable to save him from Zora . " sorrowfully said Omi .

She shouted loudly .

" Why are you blaming yourself , it's not your fault , you should be happy that you have protected so many people ." Sazana said .

" Samantha entered in the room and interrupted their conversation . " Princess get ready for the Coronation ceremony , King Nozel have said that after two days you will be crowned as a Queen of Wizard World . " said Samantha .

Omi -" Samantha , you are my friend so you can call me just Omi not Princess . "

"Thank you for such a honours , but I am your servant , I don't have the right to call my Princess by name , it's your disrespect . " politely said Samantha .

Danny spoke in the middle -" I thought Omi is right Samantha , if you are my friend and you are calling me by name then Omi is also my friend so you have all the rights to call her by name . "

Omi -" Correct "

Samantha change the topic . Samantha -" By the way Danny , what are you doing here ? "

" I know ,Bees are always in a search of honey . " Sazana taunted Samantha .

Omi asked -" What do you mean ? "

" Ask your childhood friend Danny , he will tell you in details what happen in your absence , ( looking at Danny ) right Danny ? "

Samantha requested Omi -" Princess ignore him he always talk rubbish , focus on your Coronation ceremony ."

Omi took Samantha in the side and asked her -" I know there is something , don't hide with me , tell me now what's going on ? "

Samantha hesitated - " Princess ...."

( she was blushing so much ) Omi told -" If you trust me then speak out . "

" Princess , I love Danny . " Samantha fastly said .

Omi get surprised and immediately hugged her . " I am so happy for you . You know what Samantha , Danny is a best choice for you ...So , you gonna tell him or I tell him on behalf of you ? " Omi asked .

"No ,no .....Princess I will tell him after your Coronation ceremony is completed . Before that , please don't say him anything . " Samantha requested to Omi .

" What about me ? " someone said .

When they both turned back Sazana was standing . " If you want my mouth to be shut , then you have to give me something otherwise I won't able to lock my mouth . " he added .

Samantha said -" What you want ? " Omi told her to leave . Then Samantha left .

Omi questioned -" Why are you interfering in her love life ? " Sazana (laughing) -" Love life ? She doesn't even propose Danny till now . I thought the word ' Love Life ' is very unfitted for her situation atleast for now . "

Omi changed the topic . Omi asked -" So , what you gonna do now ? "

" I don't know . When I went in the human World , I thought after saving you I I'll tell my father about me but..." sorrowfully answered Sazana . And then he left .