An unrevealed truth

After the death of Zora , Cyrus was thinking of the another plan to defeat Omi . Zora's servant Amiha was a crying on the death of his Lord .

Cyrus shouted on him -" Why are you crying for such weak Wizard . I involved with him because I thought he would kill Omi but he was useless . I wasted my time and energy for this idiot . "

Amiha got angry and said -" Don't dare say bad words about my Lord otherwise I'll beat you to death . "

" Ok ... don't get angry I was just saying that your Lord Zora wouldn't able to defeat his enemies . " Cyrus calmly said .

Amiha said -" We have to do the funeral of Lord Zora with all rituals . "

Cyrus ( shockingly ) -" What ? .....I mean Yes , yes . We should do funeral ."

Cyrus slowly said to himself -" I need Amiha for my next plan otherwise I never ever do the funeral of that idiot Zora . "

When they both were doing arrangement for funeral , an unknown man stop them and said -" You don't need to do all this , I have a better plans to defeat Omi and her team . "

Cyrus -" Who the hell are you to tell us what to do , get lost otherwise we have to do funerals of two people , first of this idio...I mean Zora and second yours ."

" Myself Barak . I have a literally a great plan . If you both follow my plan then we will able to conquer the Wizard World and make all the Wizards our slaves " Barak said .

Cyrus found his plan fascinating and asked -" What's the plan ? "

Barak - " Leave this stupid funeral and come with me . "

Amiha -" How dare you , go wherever you want to be , I am not coming with you . "

Cyrus convinced Amiha -" We will do the funeral after coming back , believe me . I also wanted to do the funeral of my friend Zora , now please come with us . "

Barak , Amiha and Cyrus went for the mysterious place . Amiha didn't want to left Zora's body alone so he took Zora's body on his shoulder and started the journey .

Barak informed -" You all have to be alert from now , your small mistake can risk you life . "

Cyrus asked -" What kind of place is this ? I never heard about such a creepy place in the Wizard World . "

Barak answered -" There are many secrets in the Wizard World which are lost with times , but now for our revenge we all going to search for the mysterious temple which said to be of Dark Wizards death place . When I came from human world , my only aim was to defeat that bloody Samantha and her team . I did research on the past history of Wizards and I found about the mysterious temple which was disappear after the death of First Dark Wizard King . After the death of First Dark Wizard King , I heard stories from priest that many dark wizards had tried to found mysterious temple but never came back , l also heard that there is ' Valley of Hell ' which couldn't allow any seeker to reach that temple . "

Amiha -" But why are we taking such a risk for that temple ? " " Because the First Wizard , who manage to reach their , will get all the powers of First Dark Wizard King. " Barak said .

They all were cautiously going , Barak was forefront and Amiha was following him and Cyrus slowly slowly by taking Zora's body on his shoulder .

Cyrus continuously saying -" Amiha...put Zora's body here when we will back to our mission then we will take his body with us . "

" No , I can't put my Lord on the ground , you just focus on the mission , you don't need to worry about me . " Amiha said .

Cyrus - "Ok , do whatever you want . "

Barak suddenly disappeared . Cyrus and Amiha shouted -" Barak , Where are you ? "

Barak replied -" There is invisible barrier , follow my words ." They both crossed the barrier .

Cyrus was shocked by seeing the view . He said -" It's name is very true , ' Valley of Hell ' . So , finally we are here ."