A Valley Of Hell

" This valley is must be created for the devils , just look at the horrible scenerio. . " said Barak .

Amiha - " We have to alert on each and every step . "

In the valley , all the things very creepy and scary . They all were going slowly slowly without getting touching to anything .

They heard a horrible sound -" Stop , stop ..."

Cyrus -" What was that ? look like someone is saying stop . " When they looked backed , a horrible person was standing in the dark .

Amiha shouted - " Don't hide yourself , come in front of us ." " Ok , as you wish . "

When he appeared in dim light , Cyrus get scared because his appearance was so horrible . Cyrus asked politely -" What do you want from us ? "

"All who appeared in the valley has only one intension . Tell me you are also come here for the powers of First Dark Wizard King ? " Horrible person questioned .

Amiha -" We are not answerable to you , first of all tell us who are you ? "

" I am the guardian of this valley . I won't allow any undeserving Wizard to get in , in the temple , and my name is Marthon , now if you want to go in the temple then you have to sacrifice one of your member's life . " informed Marthon .

Barak and Cyrus both looked at each other and shouted at a time -" You " . Barak said -" Come on , I won't let your sacrifice go waste . You tell me your wishes , I promise I will fulfill all of them . " " Don't talk rubbish , if this is the only way then you sacrifice your life , I promise you , I will fulfill all your wishes . " said Cyrus .

They both started fighting over that topic .

Amiha shouted -" He is only tricking us . Think for yourself , if this is the way he is telling literally works then it will be so easy for someone to reach in that temple , trust me he is just manipulating us so that we kill each other , understood . "

Marthon praised Amiha - " Wow , in the group of idiots atleast there is someone who talk sensible otherwise many time it happened that Wizards don't think once after hearing my half information and start fighting like a dogs ."

Cyrus asked -" What do you mean by the half information ? "

Marthon - " I mean , to sacrifice your life means not about someone's death , I was saying you have to sacrifice your beloved things for going into this temple and I thought you both love yourself more than any other thing in this World . So , from three of you , Only one person have to sacrifice his most precious things with his own acceptance . "

Cyrus looked at Amiha . He said -" Amiha , my friend your lord Zora is gone and without him what will you do . You don't think you have to leave this World with your Lord and serve him in the another World . "

" Don't fool me , I know you want the powers and that's why you want to sacrifice my life . " said Amiha .

Barak think in mind -" If Cyrus is not loyal to Amiha then how could he will be loyal to me . I am a White Wizard , I won't able to enter in the temple and after the death of Amiha , Cyrus was the left option for me , if he get all the powers then I am sure he will deceive me . "

Barak disagreed with Cyrus .

Marthon spoke in between -" If Amiha agree to sacrifice his life then to you both will not allow to enter in the temple . "

Cyrus asked -" But Why ? You just said if we want to go in then we have to sacrifice our most precious thing , apart from his own life I don't think there is more precious thing ? "

Marthon answered -" I read your minds , for Amiha his Lord is everything to him and if you all want to enter in the temple then Amiha has to give his Lord's body to me . "

Cyrus was knowing it wasn't possible because in any situation Amiha will not give Zora's body to anyone .