A new journey

Amiha was confused that his Lord Zora get his all powers then to , he was doing nothing . He questioned to Zora -" My lord , I don't understand . I heard that tomorrow is Omi's Coronation Ceremony and she will wear the crown . I thought this is best time to do attack on them and show them how powerful you are ! Let's go and spoil their happiness . "

Zora said -" Shut up Amiha , I am waiting for the perfect moment and before that if I did something then I miss the expressions of their faces when they see me alive . My plan is to attack on them at the time of Coronation Ceremony so that Omi will get similar disappointment and sadness as I felt at my Coronation Ceremony . From since childhood , my only dream was to become Dark Wizard King and when my dream was almost going to accomplish I get the biggest shock which changed my life . I will also first let Omi take all the blessings and get excited for the Ceremony . Let her think that she won the battle against me and after becoming Queen she will do lot of things with her friends but she will be unaware of the truth that I will spoil her life on the day of Coronation Ceremony . "

One side , Zora was planning of Omi's destruction and on the other side Sazana and Omi went to met a priest which used to live in the caves for the thousands of years .

Omi was not getting any solution to unlock her seal so her grandfather suggest her to went in the caves where she would find a priest which was living their from till the starting of Wizard World and doing austerity .

King Nozel also said that he was a very mysterious priest in hundred of years the people who went to met him never came back and the rumours was that the priest before giving them information they asked them to do something which was impossible for anyone to did .

Omi was going alone but for the support Sazana also joined her in the journey . When they reached at the caves , Omi said -" This caves are looking so dark and horrible . "

Sazana taunted -" You are getting afraid ? "

Omi -" No , I was just thinking if I don't manage to get information today then what about my Coronation Ceremony ? "

" It will be conducted after your arrival . " They looked back and it was Danny .

Omi smiled and asked -" You will never ever let me go alone anywhere ? "

Sazana informed him - " This place is very dangerous even for the Wizards . So , you are not allowed to come with us . "

Danny -" I know this place is very freaky and dangerous but believe me I can help you . "

Omi asked -" How ? "

Danny answered -" When I get to know about the priest and his life , I take help of some soldiers and they informed me that if any Wizard entered in the caves then he lost his powers untill he get back of the caves . So , when you enter in the caves you both will turned into normal people . "

Omi said -" Now I understood , why couldn't any people never able to complete the task which the priest had given to them . The reason was Wizards are dependent on their powers for everything , in short , they are used to of their powers and when they entered in the caves , things become more complicated for them . "

Sazana -" If there are numerous hurdles before meeting the priest then there must be something which is unknown till now . I think there is mystery behind the caves otherwise it wouldn't possible that after going in , everyone lost their powers . "

Omi said -" Must be that priest himself did a spell so that no one could disturb his austerity . "

Danny said -" Sazana you have to prepare yourself because I am human and Omi before getting her powers was also a human . We both will manage but you should be more careful . "

Omi looked at Sazana and said confidently -" He will surely manage in the caves , right Sazana ? "

Sazana was clearly understanding her feelings for him , but he didn't wanted to reveal his feelings . That's why he pretended like he didn't heard something .

She again said -" Sazana , I am talking to you . " Again he ignored her .

Omi get frustrated and entered in the caves .

Danny asked Sazana -" What happened ? Why are you suddenly behaving strange ? "

Sazana answered -" Nothing "